I'm in a true conundrum

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Re: I
Post # 11
Try exposing him to bits of your truth continually over a couple of months before coming clean... use real subtle hints. If his harsh prejudice is broken even a little beforehand, then his shock will be easier to overcome.
He will probably try to convert you at first, but please be patient. It's a terrible feeling when you have to believe people you care for are facing eternal damnation. I remember.
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Re: I
Post # 12
I'm facing similar problems at the moment. Even though I'm still a Christian, just the fact of me practicing witchcraft could get me shunned. I'm just trying to break it slowly to them. I know that they'll still chill with me and everything, we're all mature people after all, but I still think that they'll kinda shy away from me after I tell them. Like I'm a crazy or something. We have hard lives XD lol
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Re: I
Post # 13
information, like any commodity can be hoarded or it can be spread freely.

It is your choice to weigh the scales, measure the vials, and see with a clear eye what is the most profitable course.

Of course, nothing ventured is nothing gained ;)
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