Distgustin trash on

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Re: Distgustin trash on
Post # 11
well said white, i'm.....still looking for that, but i'm proud to be looking :D
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Re: Distgustin trash on
Post # 12
That site is just a satire thing, all christians that I know got deemed "going to hell" by them.
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Re: Distgustin trash on
Post # 13
it is strictly a satire thing, but the point still remains that such rubbish shouldn't be on the net due to the neive and gullible.
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Re: Distgustin trash on
By: / Novice
Post # 14
Even being raised in church once I realized the site was farce, I thought it was funny. They got me pretty good! Lol. You should check out the true christian halloween masks!
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Re: Distgustin trash on
Post # 15
LOL white rose! I love your dad's saying!
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Re: Distgustin trash on
Post # 16
People must start having more belief in themselves, because when their religion is attacked it seems to effect them pretty much directly, they start doubting themself and the things they hold dear, thus they snap back, and so small things escalate.
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Re: Distgustin trash on
Post # 17
good point kao. I used to get ridiculed about being wiccan all the time in high school, so when i see trash like this on the net, it strikes a nerve. I haven't studied hard for 9 years to have some idiot post some garbage like this and not have the nerve to stand up for myself.
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Re: Distgustin trash on
By: / Novice
Post # 18
I understood, from the beginning, your frustration, but the only people that would ever be able to buy this line deserve what they get. If it is the naïve and gullible, shame on them for not having the courage to open their eyes. They are not the ones I would worry about, though. There are people very capable of choosing to keep their minds closed because they truly believe they are right. They are zealots and they and are dangerous to anyone who is not just like them. I think this site was aiming to make light of them for folks like us. It's all we can do, because they're always going to be there.
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Re: Distgustin trash on
By: / Beginner
Post # 19
I dont like the site, it goes against so many differnt things, i remeber mary worte them and we tore there As*es up!!

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Re: Distgustin trash on
By: / Novice
Post # 20
If you're truly against this site you should ignore. Posting about it, especially with a link just gets them more hits. I wager they laugh and scoff at your hate mail.
I'm not just trying to be the against-the-grain instigator here, but, seriously, they are poking fun at the people you think they are.
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