Living forever/specialist

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Re: Living forever/specialist
Post # 16
Indeed, Ragnorok, immortality is more of a sacrifice of ones self than a gift, some look at it as a gift, that they escape Death, but then again what is Death, but the next step in ones existence? One who chooses to become immortal is essentially saying (if they understand one hundred percent what they are getting into) that they are saying they wish to stay behind, for the bettering of mankind and whatever is to come, and that they would be willing to sacrifice everything just to see things through. Thus not taking the next step, but staying on the same floor so to speak.

I hear all the time people saying "Oh I wish I was immortal". But when I tell them what true immortality is, then they realize Death is not a bad thing, it may appear to come at a bad time for some, but all in all is just guiding one to their next step in existence.

I do believe in immortality, however I also believe those with the ability to gift it, do not speak of it (for obvious reasons) but instead watch, and see who would be worthy for it, and if that person is not only willing, but ready to take that step. and I believe that anyone who desires immortality should read this and read it carefully, and take into mind that they would lose their family, their friends, their spouse, everything.
That they would have to live a life of solitude perhaps because this world is not ready to come to grips with the existence of such things, and that all in all they would have a task or series of tasks to do, which would be carried out through (most likely)very long periods of time. It's a shame nowadays most people do not understand the true meaning of what they speak of, if they did, they would have a completely different outlook on reality itself.
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Re: Living forever/specialist
By: / Beginner
Post # 17
Simply let yourself die. I know it sounds strange but death is warm and soft. not cold and sad. It's a feeling of pure happiness. When you die you forget.
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Re: Living forever/specia
Post # 18
Then, what if you could change your physical corpse. This is a very offensive technique to go with your soul to another living humans body. I have only heard of it. I believe it exists, but I do not know much about it. It stands like this : One´s soul leaves his physical body and goes into another, possibly younger etc.
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Re: Living forever/specialist
Post # 19
I don't believe in it. That would require booting out another soul, which would of course in turn boot out your soul, and in the end your soul would still have to leave. I doubt your Spirit Guides would allow it even if it were possible and as a spirit you would be as capable of being controlled by them as a human can be controlled by another human. Besides, once you're dead you're dead and it would much easier as well as more logical to just move on. Assuming that you could take somebody else's body you would also take their brain so you would not have any of your own memories.
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Re: Living forever/specialist
Post # 20
WizardCrim that idea is on naruto, the anime series... you probably saw it from there.

Honestly enough, there is no current way to keep your physical body from deteriorating (a.k.a dieing), but thene again why would we want to live forever? If anything your soul is immortal and it does retain the memory of your past lives so just think of death as "moving day".

When you die you move out of this home called your body, and move to a new home. Either way we will live on but our homes are not meant to last forever so why try?
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Re: Living forever/specialist
Post # 21
ok, I don't know if this has been mentioned (I stopped readin after serpeantfire's post) but here goes. Everything has a natural order as a rule, but at the same time, rules can be broken if ways are found. Would you be willing to live with the consequences? You would see all of your loved ones pass away, see the horrors of today's world all too often, and you would have the burden of a secret that you couldn't tell anyone (unless you felt like being on a operating table with doctor's looking at what makes you tick).
Druids revere life, and try to preserve...naturally. (no pun intended) One of the greatest aspects of our path is the Great Circle. We know that death is not a bad thing, nor is it a good thing. It it just another curve in the circle. Most people look straight ahead, and they see their own personal end...thus getting frightened. If only they would turn their head and see that their path continues and will being them back to where they want to be eventually.
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Re: Living forever/specialist
Post # 22
I do not have any loved ones nor anyone to care about. Same is with the opposite to others who know me. Enough with the chatter " does not exist ", because I am asking an explanation of techniques that are provided, but so far nothing much. And changing a physical body is possible.
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Re: Living forever/specialist
Post # 23
supposibly if you remove an organism reproductive organs it lives twice as long
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Re: Living forever/specialist
Post # 24
haha I know that would hurt lolz
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Re: Living forever/specialist
Post # 25
Ok, lets see. If you could design a spell that would change your stem cells into young ones permenatly, then theoretically you would live forever. If I were you and really wanted to do this, I would learn as much as I could about the human body, the effects of stem cells, differences between young and old ones, and then study up as much as you can about magically changing the human body. If you discover a way to use a spell to alter your stem cells, then you are on the right road.
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