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Re: Immortality
Post # 16
its not just chemicals and such being released by the brain, but the basic wear and tear of everyday life that slowly but surely breaks down our body, our muscles, our skin, our bones, everything
so to become physically immortal, you'd have to find a way to either reverse and repair this wearing of the body, or just stop it all together
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Re: Immortality
Post # 17
True, however, our body constantly loses skin cells, while constantly replacing them. I think that that could be the key to it. Just keeping the regeneration of cells constant.
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Re: Immortality
Post # 18
no no if you keep regenerating the cells constantly it will kill you faster for your wasting more cells than you can produce therefore it shortens the lifespan if you were to do it you need to be able to stop you body from ageing period. as for the fact of is it worth it yes if its for knowledge and no at the same time you could never get close to someone ever or you fall to emotion when they die and you keep living for centuries to come..... however if one were to slow down the regeneration process or even perfect it! we could then stop the aging process for a few centuries before time catches up to us. like when you break a bone ore even get a scat your not making a perfect copy of the cell before it and in so making yourself grow older same with stress it wears the body down.
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Re: Immortality
Post # 19

Crowley was of the opinion that you needed to alter/raise your awareness
to work powerful magic like that. That's why he did drugs.
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Re: Immortality
Post # 20
awesome bump! so to continue on with this, for those still around, if you created a thoughtform but gave it it's own consciousness, you'd be creating a soul ;)

and now, for the immortality part, yes, you'd have to keep regenerating new cells to repair the bad cells, however, in order to gain immortality, you must gain a bit of understanding of death. immortality is just sustained life, and if you understand death, you can understand life. so the cells that are regenerating must be kept at a constant pace.

and if these things are possible, that would mean that you'd be able to repair all damages, so yes, you'd be able to grow an arm back, you'd be able to fix any flaws that you see in your appearance. and if you were able to that, you would be a god. :)
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Re: Immortality
Post # 21
Whos to say their is a cycle of rebirth? As a Catholic as I see it the immortal soul lives on forever in either A)heaven or B)Hell after the physical body dies, so from this point of view you are immortal, in that the true essence of who and what you are never dies.
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Re: Immortality
Post # 22
yes, the soul lives on a different plane though. now what we're talking about is immortality in physical ;)
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Re: Immortality
Post # 23
Well for starters Immortality is not physical possible as the body was not designed for it and two Crowley had all sorts of issues a drug problem was one of them. You do not need "drugs" to get his point of view or an etheric view on things. In reality all the drugs do on messages is get messed up so why bother with them? But anyways back to topic immortality is only done with the soul and if you take that the higher consciousness is a concept it moves on while human aspect of the soul does not. Either way you go you can only live forever is through the soul.
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Re: Immortality
Post # 24
Actually, the reason we can't really live forever is because each cell of our body can only reproduce (mitosis) about 50 times, at this point the "caps" that keep out DNA from unraveling (which grow shorter with every Miotic cycle) simply run out, our DNA unravels, and the cell can no longer reproduce and eventually can't even perform its most basic life functions, and dies. So the way as I see it to become immortal, or at least live much longer than we already do, would be to find a way to constantly replenish these DNA "caps". And there actually is a chemical thats been found in certain bacteria in the amazon that can do exactly that.
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Re: Immortality
By: / Novice
Post # 25

My personal belief on immortality is that it is unattainable. What begins must end. Even if you could make your body able to constantly replenish it's cells so that in theory you could exist indefinitely, eventually you or someone else would cause you mortal damage and you would die anyway. Somehow, immortality seems like a way of ensuring that when you die, it won't be of old age and likely be of sickness and possibly be painful. But it would be possible to stop old age from taking effect by rewriting the dna sequences which, if it hasn't been done already, is most likely being worked on by talented scientists.

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