Coven of Red???

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Re: Coven of Red???
Post # 19
after you learned to spell than apologise to Rose because you have no clue what you said to Rose,and for that I must say your stupid
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Re: Coven of Red???
Post # 20

This is why I dont post much in the public forums.
Thanks to all who have showed kindness and thoughfulness.
To all coven leaders, you all do a good job around here.

Blessed Be

High Priestess White_Rose
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Re: Coven of Red???
Post # 21
They are fakes.. Moonqueen, Evangeline, Phoenix.D., WickedLady are all the same people.
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Re: Coven of Red???
Post # 22
can any one tell me what the hell is gonig on here . what is the red coven and why is my screen name with the other three ,

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Re: Coven of Red???
Post # 23
I do not understand how anyone could say anything cruel about WhiteRose. My experiences with her, though limited, have always been very polite and respectful. Trashing others is really not needed but shows only ones own level of maturity. Those who can teach and those who can not simply trash others from their own jealous perspectives. The Coven Of Red is a waste of good energy and time. So to the Coven Of Red I say learn the facts before you speak, I know they say ignorance is bliss and if this is true then you and your coven must be some of the happiest people here.
To WhiteRose....keep walking your path and doing what you do best and ignore the stumbling blocks thrown in your way by those who simply speak from the wrong place trying to hurt you and distract you.
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Re: Coven of Red???
Post # 24
My complaint about Coven of Red

When I used to hear about illiterate students graduating from school, I often wondered how that was possible. But after encountering some of Coven of Red's more raucous perversions, I now realize that not only is it possible for people to graduate without having learned fundamental skills such as reading and writing, but that it's possible for these same people to believe that damnable weasels are all inherently good, sensitive, creative, and inoffensive. Here's my side of the story: When I hear Coven of Red's bootlickers parrot the party line -- that "metanarratives" are the root of tyranny, lawlessness, overpopulation, racial hatred, world hunger, disease, and rank stupidity -- I see them not as people but as machines. The appropriate noises are coming out of their larynges, but their brains are not involved as they would be if they were thinking about how Coven of Red often argues that the best way to serve one's country is to condone illegal activities. A similar argument was first made over 1200 years ago by a well-known sot and was quickly disproved. In those days, however, no one would have doubted that we must work together to draw a picture of what we conceive of under the word "noncontemporaneousness". What can you do to help? For starters, you might want to call people to their highest and best, not accommodate them at their lowest and least. I personally derive great satisfaction in doing that sort of thing because inasmuch as I disagree with Coven of Red's accusations and find its ad hominem attacks offensive, I am happy to meet Coven of Red's speech with more speech and, if necessary, continue this discussion until the truth shines.

A great many of us don't want Coven of Red to let vexatious grafters run rampant through the streets. But we feel a prodigious pressure to smile, to be nice, and not to object to its baleful, unpatriotic press releases. Although this has been overlooked or ignored by the established scientific community, Coven of Red has called people like me offensive grizzlers, obscene purveyors of malice and hatred, and grotesque, ophidian soi-disant do-gooders so many times that these accusations no longer have any sting. Coven of Red unquestionably continues to employ such insults because it's run out of logical arguments. I suppose an alternate explanation is that Coven of Red is the type of organization that turns up its nose at people like you and me. I guess that's because we haven't the faintest notion about the things that really matter such as why it would be good for it to sell otherwise perfectly reasonable people the idée fixe that space gods arriving in flying saucers will save humanity from self-destruction. Coven of Red, with its craftiness and flighty smear tactics, will entirely control our country's exuberant riches one of these days. Coven of Red will then use those riches to burn books. The moral of this story is that many people are shocked when I tell them that the right thing to do in this case is determined by various vectors of forces in an endless multidimensional tug-of-war involving ropes leading out in many directions. And I'm shocked that so many people are shocked. You see, I had thought everybody already knew that we are at a crossroads. One road leads into the light of a bright, shining future in which larcenous nymphomaniacs like Coven of Red are thoroughly absent. The other road leads into the darkness of radicalism. The question, therefore, is: Who's driving the bus? I'll tell you the answer in a moment. But first, let me just say that Coven of Red periodically puts up a facade of reform. However, underneath the pretty surface, it's always business as usual.

I have never read anything Coven of Red has written that I would consider wise, logical, pertinent, reasonable, or scientific. Its statement that one can understand the elements of a scientific theory only by reference to the social condition and personal histories of the scientists involved is no exception. What's more, it has commented that it should contravene decency because "it's the right thing to do". I would love to refute that but there seems to be no need, seeing as its comment is lacking in common sense.

Coven of Red has come up with proven methods to make incorrect leaps of logic. All you have to do is let your guard down. On a completely different tack, we cannot afford to waste our time, resources, and energy by dwelling upon inequities of the past. Instead, we must criticize Coven of Red's précis publicly for their formalistic categories, their spurious claims of neutrality, and their blindness to the abuse of private power. Doing so would be significantly easier if more people were to understand that Coven of Red must sense its own irremediable inferiority. That's why it is so desperate to make bribery legal and part of business as usual; it's the only way for it to distinguish themselves from the herd. It would be a lot nicer, however, if Coven of Red also realized that it focuses on feelings rather than facts. Sure, Coven of Red attempts to twist and distort facts to justify its feelings but that just goes to show that it tries to make us think the way it wants us to think, not by showing us evidence and reasoning with us, but by understanding how to push our emotional buttons.

Even so, Coven of Red truly believes that its ideologies are good for the environment, human rights, and baby seals. I hope you realize that that's just a chauvinistic pipe dream from a nefarious, duplicitous pipe and that in the real world, anyone who hasn't been living in a cave with his eyes shut and his ears plugged knows that Coven of Red's virtue and brains are inversely proportionate to its vices and the size of its mouth. The mere mention of that fact guarantees that this letter will never get published in any mass-circulation periodical that Coven of Red has any control over. But that's inconsequential because Coven of Red's encomiasts were recently seen making my blood curdle. That's not a one-time accident or oversight. That's Coven of Red's policy.

Coven of Red has endorsed the idea of acrimonious cameralism in a number of very specific ways, arguing, for instance, in favor of its followers ' decision to portray huffy buggers as yahoos. The only weapons Coven of Red has in its intellectual arsenal are book burning, brainwashing, and intimidation. That's all it has, and it knows it.

I don't know what sort of abuse Coven of Red was subjected to as a child that made it such an unambitious used-car salesman but I do know that the fabric of its bruta fulmina is infused with postmodernist frotteurism. This is equivalent to saying that I would like to comment on its attempt to associate sadism with nativism. There is no association. I don't know what bothers me most about Coven of Red. Is it its specious arguments, its illogical reasoning, its obscurantist claims, its unreasonable speculations, or any of the many forms of pseudoscholarship we see in its mind games? In any case, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to detect the subtext of this letter. But just in case it's too subliminal for some, let me thrust it into your face right here: Most people want to be nice; they want to be polite; they don't want to give offense. And because of this inherent politeness, they step aside and let Coven of Red shock and stampede the public into accepting total fascist tyranny.

Let no one say that our unalienable rights are merely privileges that Coven of Red can dole out or retract. No, this is sordid, morally crippled favoritism and must be regarded as an attempt to deny citizens the ability to become informed about the destruction that Coven of Red is capable of. Coven of Red maintains a "Big Brother" dossier of incriminating personal information about everyone it distrusts, to use as a potential weapon. Is your name listed in that dossier? Well, I'm sure Coven of Red would rather restructure the social, political, and economic relationships that exist throughout our entire society than answer that particular question. Coven of Red is as narrow-minded as the sky is blue. That proves that Coven of Red asserts that character development is not a matter of "strength through adversity" but rather, "entitlement through victimization". Most reasonable people, however, recognize such assertions as nothing more than baseless, if wishful, claims unsupported by concrete evidence.

Teenagers who want to shock their parents sometimes maintain -- with a straight face -- that merit is adequately measured by Coven of Red's methods and qualifications. Fortunately, most parents don't fall for this fraud because they know that Coven of Red has nothing but contempt for you, and you don't even know it. That's why I feel obligated to inform you that if I hear its patsies say, "Coven of Red understands the difference between civilization and savagery" one more time, I'm going to throw up. There are some simple truths in this world. First, Coven of Red doesn't let a day pass without showing to the world that is is as little fitted to be trusted with liberty as thieves with keys or children with firearms. Second, Coven of Red's mercenaries are encouraged -- or more aptly, dragooned -- into helping Coven of Red stigmatize any and all attempts to call for proper disciplinary action against it and its serfs. And finally, it is extraordinarily brazen. We've all known that for a long time. However, Coven of Red's willingness to support international crime while purporting to oppose it sets a new record for brazenness.

Coven of Red seems unable to think of turns of speech that aren't hackneyed. What really grates on my nerves, however, is that its prose consists less of words chosen for the sake of their meaning than of phrases tacked together like the sections of a prefabricated henhouse. Coven of Red can't attack my ideas, so it attacks me. It could be worse, I suppose. It could oppress, segregate, and punish others. What makes Coven of Red think we want it to use rock music, with its savage, tribal, orgiastic beat, to turn clowns loose against us good citizens? Did it read something about that in "The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Egotism"? Let me end by citing my standard hate-mail response form letter:

Thank you for your thoughtful reply. One question, though: Do you actually want Coven of Red to set up dissident groups and individuals for conspiracy charges and then carry out searches and seizures on flimsy pretexts? Because that's what'll happen if we don't summon up the courage to listen to others.

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Re: Coven of Red???
Post # 25
>>Their grammar is terrible nd their writing style is like a ten year-old's.

Lots of regular posters do this, too.
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Re: Coven of Red???
Post # 26
Everything I wish to say was already stated by Luzifer. -Catty
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Re: Coven of Red???
Post # 27
>>Their grammar is terrible nd their writing style is like a ten year-old's.

>>Lots of regular posters do this, too.

Yes but they're not usually trying to sell a coven.
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Re: Coven of Red???
Post # 28
Luzifer....insightful and well spoken as always:)
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