Quartz Crystal

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Re: Quartz Crystal
Post # 3
I have loads you can take Mine..
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Re: Quartz Crystal
Post # 4
Quartz is the most abundant mineral in the earth's crust! 0_o I think curiosity shops or even some garden/aquarium shops just make it more expensive than it has to be because they're pretty. And, well, that it takes a while to crystallize in nature... they're mineral deposits, basically, that link to each other and form a stone (like cave stalagmites, except quartz crystals usually form in hot springs or because of pressure underground.)

The way they link to each other makes the shape. Well-formed "points" of quartz will have facets, like a cutter-sharpened pencil. If they're random at first sight but you can still see six facets converging to a point like that, it's because they're formed in nature.
Some quartzes are even colored pink or have brown or black smoke inside... but then they're called rose quartz and smokey quartz (amethyst if it's purple quartz, citrine if it's orange quartz, and so on...)

If you see spheres or swans or whatever shape like that, they're probably carved into that shape... I don't think it makes it more or less magical, but it's maybe more convenient to use quartz with a flat side instead of a round one if you're going to put it on a flat surface (like letting it lie on someone's body to heal them, is difficult if it's round.) And some people scry better with a crystal ball than a crystal point. But as if the colored quartzes aren't complicated enough...


Hope this helps.
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Re: Quartz Crystal
Post # 5
Cyrus, I have no idea what you are talking about! Crystal quartz is one of the easiest quartz to get! Just go to any spiritual shop and ask them for one. You can buy a small one, which is big enough to fit in your palm. for like $2
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Re: Quartz Crystal
Post # 6
But if there bigger,are they better?
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Re: Quartz Crystal
Post # 7
I adore quartz crystals (actually all crystals), in fact I do gather them and use them to heal. I don't know where you live so I cant really reccomend a shop.

But should you ever come across a shop, definitly get the quartz because it has a very positive energy. I also suggest you find one that you feel connected to (energy wise) doing so can be very beneficial to you.

I hope that I have been some kind of help to you.
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Re: Quartz Crystal
Post # 8
well the bigger they are the more energy is emitted from the crystal. But the size depends on what your using it for.
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Re: Quartz Crystal
Post # 9
You Can buy alot of these at the Dollor store! Go and ask the peeps there if they have any stones, usually in the candle and decor section. U can get like a whole bag for 1$ literally, there are alot of other stones there that u can use in magic aswell!
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Re: Quartz Crystal
Post # 10
if its at the dollar store wouldnt it be fake or plastick??
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Re: Quartz Crystal
Post # 11
try ebay. they transmit energy.scientist laughed at witches not no more they are used in watches even lazors.
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Re: Quartz Crystal
Post # 12
i guess I am lucky to have a mineral museum close to where i live that is where i find alot of my crystals and stones, but you can find some pretty good ones in craft stores and online, I bought some really good amythest on The Magikal Cat it is advertised on this site
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