Thats actually very beliveable. Fire and water are exsact opposites of each opposite and they have complete opposite effects on yo. (One makes you relaxed the other hyper) they could be you elements for different things. And your dream probably means that your spirt animal is a deer and it wants to show you something
p.s. I thinks it's really cool you were born on friday the thriteenth! ;)
I am not contradicting anyone b/ c I'm a newbie. My interp is the stag is your spirit animal and when he leads you to the light he wants you to see something inportant and due to it reoccurring this means you are not seeing it. Or maby your not learning an inportant lesson. With dreams like that it is inportant to pay attention to everything from the trees around you to where you walk and the small details. Write down everything you see hear and feel. It will help.
Ps: I am the same way with water and fire though ironically I can't swim. But I did once stare into a camp fire for 2 hours. : I was once told my spirit was water born. O was told this by a friend who noticed a chaing in me.... Somehow.
So ya take care blessed be and I hope this helps.
maybe one day you could walk in the light without waking up. do some mediatations to contact your spirit animal! do some before you sleep and light some incense or drink some "sleepy" tea. maybe they'll help you fall even further into your dream state. i think that way, you could stay in that dream longer and maybe see what your spirit animal is showing you :)
blessed be!
WhiteRav3n- if what you say is true, then it makes perfect sense to how my life is going.
"Pine is healing, love and fire. Its also protective.
The deer is also healing and protective."
That quote from you is how the last 4 years of my life have been.
I try to protect everyone I love.
Thank you for helping me on my life- long quest everyone!
Wow, this is exactly like me! I am accracted to Fire and Water.
Fire calms me like you. Water makes hyper and really one time i had to be dragged out from water. I feel water close to me as you do.
Only what is diffrent about is that i don't see dream excatly week before a dream like yours. But i see every year a dream where things are very good. I am happy and so on. But then i become paranoia and fear that someone hurts me or worse. Then im walking alone in a place where is buildings and stuff. In city perhaps. But im all alone. Then when i walk past next corner a man or a woman is waiting. Then he (or she) chases me to end of my dream.