The charm lamp

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Re: The charm lamp
Post # 3
Actually a charm lamp can be employed much in the same way candle magick can, the advantage of the magick lamp is that you can use food coloring in the lamp oil, and you can add herbs, oils, stones, and other items that match your intent in the lamp.

You can use a store bought lamp, as well as fruits, and some vegetables, with the store bought oil lamp it can be reused many times.

Of course be sure to read up on oil lamp safety and use, as it is different from a candle and if used improperly will cause your house to fill with black soot.
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Re: The charm lamp
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
medemoiselle ,would you please elaborate more on this sentence meaning :

"The chief constituent of the lamp is a sheep?s brain purchased with the idea in mind of purchasing the individual whom one wishes to charm."

Is the author referring to real sheep's brain or is it something else called this way ?I am not sure I understood what the author exactly means.
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Re: The charm lamp
Post # 5
The author is saying that the part of the lamp that makes this work is the sheep's brain, that in buying the brain of the sheep you are essentially buying the person's mind you are targeting.
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Re: The charm lamp
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 6
Does this imply they are a sheeple and you are the shepherd? Or is that just an ironic paradigm?
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Re: The charm lamp
Post # 7
Of course Raven I am sure it could be construed in this way to have sway over those who would be followers, so that they would see you as someone to follow. But I do not know if that was what the original author intended to show or not, perhaps he gained this knowledge with out truly knowing its subtle pun.
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Re: The charm lamp
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 8
I didn't mean to imply it would be a pun.

Voodoo has a lot of Christian influence, and the Bible is full of sheep metaphors in regards to people and their leaders are referred to as shepherds.
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Re: The charm lamp
Post # 9
Oh I should have cleared that up, visual puns, or double entendres are common place in work like this, an item may represent one or several factors depending on the outlook of the person creating them.
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Re: The charm lamp
Post # 10

I've seen an oil lamp in walmart I've considered purchasing. Is there a certain place one should keep the lamp? Like on an altar?

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Re: The charm lamp
Post # 11
I would think ritual items should be kept on the Pe or altar to cook or absorb the energy of the work, in Voodoo there is a distinction between mundane and spiritual forces, that your practice should be kept from your everyday mundane life. Not to say that you shouldnt do a little something everyday to celebrate the Lwa, but that the Lamp probably shouldnt sit on the same counter as your dishes
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Re: The charm lamp
Post # 12
I wonder, has anyone made a lamp according to the direction in Milos' book?
I ask because the thing which occurs to me when reading his book is how can a sheep brain fit into half a coconut shell.
Even if one was to squash the brain and other ingredients into half a coconut shell, there would be no way of covering it with oil to a depth where a wick could be sunk, ignited and left to burn.
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