
CovenElement Magick ► Introductions

Re: Introductions
Post # 3

Hi! Nice to meet ya!

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Re: Introductions
Post # 4
My name here is Scarabeth. (my elvish name is Caleneth = green sister). I just adopted that elf name for myself today. Finding useful user names is a problem at times. I've been on and off with my magick practices but rarely off of the meditation and tarot which I do for myself and rarely have tried to read for others. Coming from xtian background but left the fold as it were. Never going back after how I was treated and raised. Spare the rod spoil the child comest o mind. Corporal punishment is never right for any child. So am tryna be less wishy washy about being pagan and not follow any others on different paths or religions. It isn't easy. I like to be friendly generally speaking. I'm no diplomat but I try to act that way in my personal dealings as well as work related. So in a nutshell, went from Druid path and got thrown off it after 5 years, long story. Then kinda wishy washy dark years ensued. Now I'm back, for good. No going backwards. Keeping my own counsil by making it public so nobody miscontrues later on down the line. Not sure how family will take this in years after I am gone but will see. I'm an older crone now. people tell me I write like a maiden. Haha. Cheers!
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Re: Introductions
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5

Welcome, loves! I am very excited to have you both here! The coven has been inactive for a very long time, so we are slowly working on getting it active again, getting new members, and getting new posts up. If you have any questions, please let me know and if you would like to post anything in the coven forums; do not hesitate to do so!

Much Love,


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Re: Introductions
Post # 6
Thank you, astraldragon. Happy to be here, although I knew this site was around a long time I wasn't able to join it due to family constraints and my being more or less part of the flock, which I now abhor more than any religion you can name short of satanism. Lol. Thanks for having me.
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Re: Introductions
Post # 7

Welcome to the group.

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Re: Introductions
Post # 8
Im Micha I’m learning who I’m in this world. My pronouns are she / they. And I believe my powers come from the earth
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Re: Introductions
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 9

Welcome, love! We're happy to have you with us!

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Re: Introductions
Post # 10
Hey y'all! My name is Story and I'm a spouse, mom, and mostly retired author. I'm new to the site as I renew my study in witchcraft.

My practice is in kitchen/hearth magic. Or at least I'm trying. I'm a rank beginner at applying the practice in my daily life as opposed to simply contemplating it.

Not a raw newbie with herbs (I am a kickass cook), but not versed in herbal magic.
Gathering more knowledge and starting to work with household magic and spells.
On step 1 of learning about Tarot and other forms of divination.

Overall, I'm working toward a spiritual AND practical practice, centered on my home and family, that envelops my overactive ADHD brain, my aging crone body (because menopause), and my wounded creative spirit.
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Re: Introductions
Post # 11
Hi, I'm Aurora Ember, but mostly just Aurora. I chose that name because I am drawn to the fires and the night; I feel that's when I'm at my best. Being around a fire, is only one of two places where I can literally shut my brain off. I can let go of everything in my brain and, and
I can just, be. They are mesmerizing and almost trance inducing.

I'm naturally curious... about everything. I love to be in the woods with my dog exploring, taking pictures, enjoying the serenity, what is taken for granted by most, the sounds of nature, and of course having a fire.

Some of the things I enjoy doing are lightning photography, chasing storms (taking pictures), painting, cooking/baking, and reading.
Fire Magick, Owls, the Phoenix, Wolves, Tarot (I use the Secrets of the Hidden Realm deck), the Moon, Norse Magick/Mythology, Deities, and the Fae are a few other interests of mine.

I spent 8 years in the Army and 1 tour in Iraq. I have been to Germany, Budapest, Ireland, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, and Iraq.

I guess I'm just starting this journey. I have always been interested, but over the last few years I have been through one unfortunate misfortune after another ending I have found myself at a crossroads, a lot of uncertainty, and feeling lost in life, it gave me the final push I needed.
I'm very thankful for the opportunity to be apart of Element Magick, so thank you for having me!
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Re: Introductions
Post # 12
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