
Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► Teleportation

Re: Teleportation
Post # 3
pst fake spell
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Re: Teleportation
Post # 4
Transportion Spell
The following ingredients are needed
to cast Transportion Spell

3 insents
1 towel

This spell is part of the Coven of
Spell Casters
Spell Casters has the following books available:
1) Spell Casters Spellbook
2) Spell Casters Rituals

This spell was added by: jade1234

* All information on this page is provided by the coven and the contents of this page is not mediated by the administrators of the website. Please use common sense when following any directions on this page. Do not injest anything which does not seem safe. If you suspect the content of this page to be intentionally deceiving please contact us immediately.

Transportion Spell
Oh magic oh so dear, i have a wish for you, please take me to where i want to go, thank you for the wish

fold the towel and then sit on it light the insents and set them out in a triangle around you

(print spell)
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Re: Teleportation
Post # 5
Go to were I wish
The following ingredients are needed
to cast Go to were I wish

A globe
a voice
and a opened mind

This spell is part of the Coven of
Spell Casters
Spell Casters has the following books available:
1) Spell Casters Spellbook
2) Spell Casters Rituals

This spell was added by: aung_shadow

* All information on this page is provided by the coven and the contents of this page is not mediated by the administrators of the website. Please use common sense when following any directions on this page. Do not injest anything which does not seem safe. If you suspect the content of this page to be intentionally deceiving please contact us immediately.

Go to were I wish
teleport any were in the world

put your finger on the area of the globe you wish to go then think of the area while chanting

I wish to go
I wish to fly
take to _____

(print spell)
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Re: Teleportation
Post # 6
A Simple Teleportation, But Won't Get You Far
The following ingredients are needed
to cast A Simple Teleportation, But Won't Get You Far


I highly suggest daytime, but nighttime is fine too.


In your house, any room.


No ingrediants are needed for the following spell.

This spell is part of the Coven of
Spell Casters
Spell Casters has the following books available:
1) Spell Casters Spellbook
2) Spell Casters Rituals

This spell was added by: Tails_T

* All information on this page is provided by the coven and the contents of this page is not mediated by the administrators of the website. Please use common sense when following any directions on this page. Do not injest anything which does not seem safe. If you suspect the content of this page to be intentionally deceiving please contact us immediately.

A Simple Teleportation, But Won't Get You Far
This spell will get you to rooms and such in your house. It's simple, nothing needed for it to work, but you can't just suddenly go to Asia. Now, read on.

Close your eyes. Think of the room you're in now. Collect all details; wall colors, objects within the room, anything near you. Now imagine either of the two:

1. The room is twisting and turns faster and faster.

2. You suddenly fall into blackness.

After thinking of those two, think of the room you'd like to be in. Also include all objects, wall colors, etc. in that room. It should look like the room has suddenly changed to that room. Replay this as many times as you can in your head, and say the following spell:

"Walking is a burden.
Now the walls are turning.
Twist and change,
This room is a pain.
Go to (room name here) in time,
Faster than when I flip a dime.
Be there now,
Be there yet.
Teleport me there,
Now I can go anywhere."

Repeat as many times possible. You may or may not feel the room change. But be very calm when doing this, be relaxed and settle. This may take a while, a few minutes maybe, but after time to time and with practice, you can teleport even faster. Next time, try teleporting in school; that'll get some ohhhs and ahhhs, but make sure nobody sees you... yeah...

Also, when doing this spell, make sure to include WHERE you'd like to be when you enter the room. You don't want to teleport and find that your lower body has turned into a couch! But that's RARE, I highly doubt it'll happen. In fact, I doubt it'll happen at all. Also, remember, make sure you include EXTREME detail! You may just think of the word living room, and find yourself at the next door neighbor's house! Be careful!

(print spell)
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Re: Teleportation
Post # 7
i hope these help
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Re: Teleportation
Post # 8
dude i got a;; this spell of these web site
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Re: Teleportation
Post # 9
yes and most of them are fake on this site like half only one coven has ALL real spells
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Re: Teleportation
Post # 10
but some can make new spells
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Re: Teleportation
Post # 11
Teleportation isn't magick, it's a form of human mental power that can be supported by the odd magickal energy but you won't get too far with a spell for it though. Try which teaches teleportation.
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Re: Teleportation
Post # 12
While I do agree that many spells on this site are fake,I would not say TheDemonGate,That only one Coven has REAL Spells,there are some covens that have private spells,so you cant see if they work or not.,just my 2 cents.Peace
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