growing hair spell

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Re: growing hair spell
Post # 21
loz u tried and tas wat counts ^^
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Re: growing hair spell
Post # 22
plz people lets all just forget about this, and if he wants to just ask for the spells and not look for them himself let him be that is his choice, as for you who made this forum plz just stop the offencive language. There are kids on this site and it would be harmfull to see us fighting it is seting a bad example. i am not a mod but i do have many mod friends and i wont hesitate to ask them to shut this forum down so plz lets all just cool down and be peaceful
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Re: growing hair spell
Post # 23
No Mod should act upon this thread. We aren't fighting, we are debating. Its a healthy thing for people to debate things out. Peace is not needed because nothing harmful was said. Now Jinxam, there are spells on this site for hair growing. If you cannot locate them then I will be happy to point them out to you. If someone got offended then oh well. Theres nothing that I read on this forum, that would give me the impression that it was offensive either.

P.S. Just because you have mod friends doesnt mean they the mods will act upon request. The mods are gonna have a talk about that. The mods will consult each other when deleting a thread such as this.
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Re: growing hair spell
Post # 24
will do tk
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Re: growing hair spell
Post # 25
i was just stating that modz would shut this down if it got ouot of hand i was just exagerating when i said that i would make them shut it down, so yes peace with you all.
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Re: growing hair spell
Post # 26
dude this one is so dead
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