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Re: Death
Post # 21
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Re: Death
By: / Novice
Post # 22
I don't think anyone's gonna disagree Yelly McYellerson.

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Re: Death
By: / Novice
Post # 23

Neckron, I'm not sayin they're bad movies, and I'm not afraid of death even a little bit. But I've seen enough to know that there is nothing pretty in the beauty of death. The only reason I can't watch then is because I actually feel bad for the people on those movies. Not because they die, but because their last moments are exploited for a bunch of sickos. Not you necessarily, but twisted weirdos in general.
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Re: Death
Post # 24
I wantche about 5 sec. of it then I googled what it was rated and yes it was banned in 48 countrys...........
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Re: Death
Post # 25
In my opinion (non related to other sources) or as far as my knowledge gets is that chackras points of our body that help us to control the energy that is in us and around us. So, when we die this chakra points are not necessary since they were part of the body and not us as a flowing energy (putting the theory of Einstein that we are plainly energy). So, as a dead person we are detached from these points, and we can move freely to wherever is that we go and no restrictions are put.. since we do no longer have a body.
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