Just a question

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Re: Just a question
Post # 21
maybe your just paranoid
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Re: Just a question
Post # 22
well homestly speaking the war i guess is that big thing that mef is feeling... even though i cannot feel that great danger ... sometimes i hear a lot of people screaming ... i also feel their pain .. etc.. but even though... the reapers or death wont come if we put protection spells in all of us... well as i guess we all know when death comes right... so we just need to be careful... well this is just a thought... ^^
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Re: Just a question
Post # 23
Death can break through any barriers that you place in front of them. When they think its your time to go then they will take you
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Re: Just a question
Post # 24
Paranoia big destroyer.
That or: implanted paranoia big destroyer, I'm not sure which in your case, Mef.
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Re: Just a question
Post # 25
I think he is paranoid and he is unknowingly planting paranoia into others. Like this girl said she saw shadows or something watching her. She read it on this site and now she thinks she sees them
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Re: Just a question
Post # 26
Yeah, the subconcious and concious mind in combination are very strange things. But, Jayme hinted to a 'what a.k.a a 'who' causing this, there's alot a people out to get, Mef. So, it might just be someone delivering these thoughts to Mef, or causing them. That or it's a mix of the two. Just my thoughts.
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Re: Just a question
Post # 27
I am sure there are some who believe me Aura because I am not a liar.
And Kyori it is not someone that is out to get Mef.

I will post further information on what it is I have discovered when I am sure of it. I do not want to mislead anyone.
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Re: Just a question
Post # 28
I never said you were a liar, I never said I didn't believe you either. I am honestly unsure what gave you that idea. However I can't subscribe belief to something unsaid, and niether should anyone else.
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Re: Just a question
Post # 29
Oh no you miscompriehended me, I never meant that you where calling me a liar because I am aware of what you are saying. I was simply just saying that I am not a liar. However I will post when I am completely sure of everything. Like I said I do not want to mislead anyone.
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Re: Just a question
Post # 30
^_^ I feel some thing is already happening and it is all in good time...
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