Christian Wicca..?

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Re: Christian Wicca..?
Post # 21
I am a catholic but still follow the pagan lifestyle (or I am trying to) Christain Wiccan is a very good way to still be catholic and do certain types of witchcraft (not black or harmful) instead if praying to the Gods or Godesses we only pray to the God, Father Almighty!
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Re: Christian Wicca..?
Post # 22
I was raised as Christian. I remember as children we were taught that it is a sin to wear makeup , jewelry,jeans, lots of different things.As I got older and started learning for myself I realize that I can be whatever I choose to be. It is hard when you have had all this stuff put in your head all your life. I know there was magic in the bible so I am a little confused myself. Just live each day as you choose and be what you choose because there will always be someone who will try to change your way of thinking.

Have A great day!!!!!!!
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Re: Christian Wicca..?
Post # 23
The word bible stems from the Greek biblia which means little books and that is what the bible is; a collection of little books that passed acceptance at the court of Constantine by a hundred and sixty odd bishops and as has already been noted, many other books were excluded.

The books start from approx fifteen hundred years before Jesus was born (these comprise the collection that is commonly termed the old testament) and the new testament start with his birth and end roughly a hundred years after his death.

Jesus says nothing at all about the things you mentioned. The Catechism is only a summary of the principles set out for the Christian. What appears to have been spoken by Jesus can be justified this way:-

1 When Moses was leading his people to the promised land, he needed to make certain laws. All of the things you mentioned are contained therein.

2 Jesus stated he had not come to change one letter of the law.

Ergo, Christianity has to include everything in the old testament and therefore, as Jesus seems not to argue with those laws and he is supposed to also be God; those laws still stand as endorsed by Jesus.

To get a true sense of the nature of Jesus, you should read the four gospels. It oozes magic, manifested by the very man who is allegedly against it.

The trouble with Christianity is that it does encompass the old testament (look at Islam which also has its base there), most of what Jesus taught is overlooked and rarely quoted, in favour of Paul and his letters and Luke's commentary on the acts of the apostles. If it's just Jesus you're looking for, and his endorsement on your seeking, then look to the gospels.

The authority is there, within your understanding of it and not here.
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Re: Christian Wicca..?
By: / Beginner
Post # 24
I was raised and baptized Lutheran. It never felt right to me and when I was 16 I was introduced to a new way of thinking that just clicked for me. I am against labels. Just follow your heart and do what works for you. :)
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Re: Christian Wicca..?
Post # 25

Wicca is a religious form of witchcraft. Most people don't understand this taking up the title as a Christian Wiccan . Wicca and witchcraft are complete different things being that Wicca is a religious form of witchcraft, and witchcraft is more of a spiriitual path. Wicca is based on a belief system where you have a male and female aspect of life. Christianity, as you already may know, is based on only 1 god. If you want a title I would consider calling yourself a Christian Witch. But, this is just my opinion.

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Re: Christian Wicca..?
Post # 26
I have found the Term "Christian Wiccan" to be the closest
thing to what I have been seeking for most of my life.
The magick is there no matter what you call yourself and the universal
Concept we all share is that there are higher powers.
We should join together and find common ground. That's what I would
Love to see between Wiccans and "Christian" Wiccans.
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Re: Christian Wicca..?
Post # 27
Faetal is correct. You can not practice Wicca along side Christianity. You can however practice witchcraft alongside Christianity. But Wicca and witchcraft are two different things. This is a topic that has been debated a lot on these forums and each time the conversation ends with the people finally deciding to give up the debate.
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Re: Christian Wicca..?
By: / Novice
Post # 28

If you are looking for a path that blends both Christianity and ritual witchcraft, I'd suggest reading about Haitian Voodoo. Unless you're dead set against Catholicism. I know some protestants can be a little touchy about the topic, especially Lutherans.

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Re: Christian Wicca..?
Post # 29
It's an interesting thought. I see no reason why a person can't be both christian and wiccan. Ask yourself wether it feels right to you. Thats the most important thing, I believe, in combining the two.
I, myself, have questioned wether witchcraft is wrong, but I was assured by my mother that a spell is just like a prayer. Whom you choose to worship is up to you. God, or goddesses etc...
This may not be correct, I can't remember the link where I read this so I may have this wrong, but a witch was derived from a wise man or a wise woman. They go way back into the cavemen times. They were healers.
Was Jesus not a healer? Did he not pray? I think you'll find that you can find many similarities between the two beliefs.
Also, the research I have done, shows that wicca, and paganism is all about connecting with nature and energy around us. It's about loving oneself and each other.
As for that paragraph about witchcraft from the bible, remember how much destruction it has caused. People found that a few words from the bible could tell them to murder millions of innocents. (The burning at the stake/hanging.)
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Re: Christian Wicca..?
Post # 30
He actually only said satanic are we satanic
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