The Society of the Fey

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Re: The Society of the Fey
Post # 21
No, I haven't scientifically presented my theories, but that's because I really am just a wannabe scientist. I wish I could do experiments on this topic, but I can't until I have earned the right to. I make no claim to knowing all I need to, I simply desire wisdom. I still don't understand what kind of evidence exists against my theory, the same claim that people exaggerate, falsify, and misinterpret can be applied to magic in its entirety. Most people believe magic is just a myth, yet here we are debating, not the existence, but the capabilities of the creatures from such myths.

The only reason any of us are hear is because, at some point, we decided to believe that such a thing as magic might be real. That first step led me on a path where I was proved wrong as much as I was right, and learned about both the spiritual and physical elements of the art. In all that time, however, I have never found any reason to stop believing. I have even determined that this belief is the basic catalyst of magic. This inherent subjectivity of magic has encouraged me to find out for myself whether things are truly impossible, since those that claim so may be mistaken simply because they lacked the knowledge or faith to do it.
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Re: The Society of the Fey
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 22
You're still picking and choosing. Good luck with your search. Not much I can say at this point without being a broken record.
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