Who's spells work? Poll.

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Re: Who
Post # 21
After you cast a spell, it's best to forget about it. This allows the magick to manifest. While a spell is active, to speak of it will dissapate the focus of the magick and weaken the intensity of the spell. I never discuss a spell while its active.I do my best not to even think about it til after it has manifested,

As for which of my spells worked, when I was younger and newer to magick, many of them didn't. I came to realize, the ones which did not work were spells I did asking for something that was not good for me or for selfish reasons that would have harmed me.

As I grew older, and became more discriminating in my spellcraft my percentage of successful spells increased. While I can't say my workings are 100% successful,(I don't think anyone can truthfully say that) my % has gone WAY up.
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