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Re: miscellanyandshennannigan
Post # 201
Not touching that again no no not after last time
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Re: miscellanyandshennannigan
By: / Novice
Post # 202
Perdu...what we do in our special time is a secret. Also thanks for letting the cat out of the bag. No seriously, Ive been after that dang cat for a week and a half, now this. Youre gonna have to catch him now. He owns me catnip!!
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Re: miscellanyandshennannigan
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 203
I'll have a talk with my dog about chasing the cat up the tree all the time. He is try'n to get your catnip for you though.

Swings from branch to branch then falls onto the man apples.
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Re: miscellanyandshennannigan
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 204
runs off with the apple man and jumps into the carmel river
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Re: miscellanyandshennannigan
By: / Novice
Post # 205
Here ye Here ye...The official chocolate lovers club coven is now taking new members!! Demen is the president and I am Vice president along with Bluewolf as seceratery of state any one else who wants to join post their favorite type and post here!!! ahahahahahah ahahahahaha ahahahahahaha Sugar rush!!!!!!!!lol
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Re: miscellanyandshennann
Post # 206
choclate and carmel and always bananas....says headmistress of the coven of the cholate banana.
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Re: miscellanyandshennannigan
Post # 207
Keeper of the sacred tripple layered ice cream cake
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Re: miscellanyandshennannigan
By: / Novice
Post # 208
Holder and protector of the mighty chocolate chip cheesecake with oreo crust.
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Re: miscellanyandshennannigan
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 209
damn all these sweets i'm gonna get fat ughhh
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Re: miscellanyandshennannigan
By: / Novice
Post # 210
Im surprized at how many chocolate lovers there are...but hey more for us. Here LadyTesa lets eat all the chocolate covered bananas!!!!*passes LadyTessa caramel*
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