I'm in a true conundrum

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Re: I
Post # 4
Why do you even want to tell him, when the odds are that he will react badly?
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Re: I
Post # 5
Yeah do you really need to tell him?
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Re: I
Post # 6
"Help me with what?? You mean my friend, who is Christian, can't watch anything witchcraft related, and more importantly, MEET anybody witchcraft related, is going to help me!? Help me with what? Getting myself inside the rope's hoop and then drop the floor??

Sorry for sounding harsh; I didn't get much sleep last night. Dx" *sneeze* why dont u take a nap?

No I ment like he might try to make you repent.
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Re: I
Post # 7
I feel like I need to tell him or else I feel like there's this big friggin hole in our friendship because I have a stupid LARGE secret. Dx It sucks.
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Re: I
By: / Beginner
Post # 8
if you really want to tell him then maybe try just telling him your interested in it at first and see how he reacts and then if that works out all right you can tell him you are a witch.
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Re: I
Post # 9
im a christian ...and im practicing magick ...my friends know it and they've accepted me ..(but take note some people might take advantage on u and they might shun u too ,so choose the right person ) it happened to me ...
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Re: I
Post # 10
HAHA...this is realy funy,if he is your real friend he should give you support in anything!No god can stand beetween my and my friends!And this thing about,"be good" is fuc*** my chaos theory so im realy angry!
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Re: I
Post # 11
Try exposing him to bits of your truth continually over a couple of months before coming clean... use real subtle hints. If his harsh prejudice is broken even a little beforehand, then his shock will be easier to overcome.
He will probably try to convert you at first, but please be patient. It's a terrible feeling when you have to believe people you care for are facing eternal damnation. I remember.
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Re: I
Post # 12
I'm facing similar problems at the moment. Even though I'm still a Christian, just the fact of me practicing witchcraft could get me shunned. I'm just trying to break it slowly to them. I know that they'll still chill with me and everything, we're all mature people after all, but I still think that they'll kinda shy away from me after I tell them. Like I'm a crazy or something. We have hard lives XD lol
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Re: I
Post # 13
information, like any commodity can be hoarded or it can be spread freely.

It is your choice to weigh the scales, measure the vials, and see with a clear eye what is the most profitable course.

Of course, nothing ventured is nothing gained ;)
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