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Re: Lost
Post # 31
my,my...someone realy don t know to read...
Did I sad I have religion?????No I did not!!!!I sad I have spiritual ways to improve myself,I did not say MY religion.Praying to my God SATANAEL is not religion IM not satanist,please don t make me angry!!!!!
I just sad that from my view,spiritualism is better than religions...does everybody understand or I have to write it on Serbian?????!!!!
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Re: Lost
By: / Novice
Post # 32
I feel transparent lately.

Please don't go off in Serbian. I still don't know what I agreed to last time that happened.
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Re: Lost
Post # 33
haha don t wory,well I could say couple off words...
Slava ocu Satanaelu,neka njegovo carstvo cvjeta a mocna ruka neutralise sve neprijatelje koji se suprostave njegovim sljedbenicima!
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