Dear Petrarca

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Re: Dear Petrarca
Post # 32
I think its better to get to know someone before you judge them for there age. Everyone whos up for the age thing just wants to be able to know if the persons a kid or not, then theyd instantly try and discredit them or ignore them. Thats not what this place is about. Many younger people are practicing this stuff, and they seek your help, not your judgment.
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Re: Dear Petrarca
Post # 33
he is right, some kids just want help, not judgement
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Re: Dear Petrarca
Post # 34
Dear Petrarca,

There should be an option to mass select private messages and delete them. I have 81 + private messages for just this month, phew.

- MM
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Re: Dear Petrarca
Post # 35
I think it'd be cool if we could sticky posts, you know, make them at the top of the forum all the time. There's a few worth stickying (I'm thinking of SilverVixen's respect post here).
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Re: Dear Petrarca
Post # 36
I dont think that threads are the answer as if you look at the most part in the Covens for example the same questions are asked over and over and no one seems to be reading the replies from others having asked. I think an page of regularly asked question and a welcome message to say where to go for these would be more useful and less time wasting to those giving the same answer over and over. No offencse to the question being raised.

I'd also like to see a page not a thread of where to go for information ie web sites, books etc.

I'd also like a separate section with the chat for discussion on chilling and getting to know each other and a separate general one to alk about the serius stuff that you don't necessarily wish to ask about in your coven chats. That way it makes it easier all round and doesn't make you feel like you can't be saying hi when something serious is being discussed, as there has been times I've felt like that.
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Re: Dear Petrarca
Post # 37
Yes, the mass deletions for messages is a GREAT idea. And I massively emphasize great because I have 1500+ messages that I can't delete because my cpu crashes everytime the page loads.

Also, being able to see sent messages is another great idea because some people forget what they're talking about after two messages. Take me. I usually forget within the first 5 minutes of sending a message. So, that'd be another GREAT help.
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Re: Dear Petrarca
Post # 38
i think it woul be cool if we could rate the spells and the ones who add the spells could rate the difficulty
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Re: Dear Petrarca
Post # 39
YEAH PETRARCA! thanks for putting up the delete messages checkbox. It's awesome and convient
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Re: Dear Petrarca
Post # 40
i like the idea of being able 2 c messages uve sent. i dont have the greatest memory so id love that. if u have time that is. and on the age thing id like noing ppls ages. but dont judge them on that. ill be 14 august 4th but i am serious bout magic. i agree w/ what brrr said. -Catty

btw masterme i just realized what MM stands 4. i feel smarticle. X) plz excuse the randomness.
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Re: Dear Petrarca
Post # 41
Catty that's already been done. When you get a message from someone, it let's you see what message you sent to them
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