candle of light

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Re: candle of light
Post # 5
ah hun thats a great idea!!!! perrfect, wil do that right now!!!
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Re: candle of light
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 6
thank you for ur support hopefully a few more children will be found xx blessed be
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Re: candle of light
Post # 7
if i can find a candel i'll do it
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Re: candle of light
Post # 8
I got a red one?
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Re: candle of light
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 9
yes huni that will do , more and more are being found every day thanks for ur support chic xx
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Re: candle of light
Post # 10
i will do that too
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Re: candle of light
Post # 11
me too if i can find those candles
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Re: candle of light
Post # 12
I will do that
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Re: candle of light
Post # 13
I like it. its a good idea. Count me in as well.
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Re: candle of light
Post # 14
My candle lasted two is gone
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