astral travel

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Re: astral travel
Post # 5
In that case, just keep working on it and it will come.
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Re: astral travel
Post # 6 the only thing im hving trouble w/ is getting out of my body w/o thinking stuff like "ok, im ready to astral travel now" and stuff like that...
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Re: astral travel
Post # 7
By doing that you may be making an association between you are astral and physical self and when you do that the astral body stays firmly attached lol.

Best thing is to clear your mid think of nothing.
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Re: astral travel
Post # 8
ok...but how will you know when you r ready 2 go and are in the astral planes?
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Re: astral travel
Post # 9
You will know when it happens, with me the world unfolds in front of my eyes i feel rather unbalanced and also i find that breathing gets hard(this was very troublsome to begin with), but i fight against my urge to concentrate on these feelings and it happens

Another way you could try is to visualise a landscape and see your self sitting on the other side of this landscape, approach yourelf and become that person and hey presto your astral body has left the physical.

Its nt an easy thing to get to grips with to begin with but its sounds like you are doing well. Just carry on working on it and you will get there
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Re: astral travel
Post # 10
another small problem is that when my mind IS clear of nothing and after staying still for so long, i fall asleep...if i dream, what can i do to get me out of that dream and onto the planes?
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Re: astral travel
Post # 11
Well the answer to falling alseep is to simple use another postition which you can hold comfortably.

But if not possible if you do fall asleep and you are dreaming or belive so. I suggest you do as i suggested before see yourself at a distance and become that.

Another way to test it is to visit say a friend and look at them say there watching tv, try and change what there doing eg make them read a book if you can means yur prob still in the realm of astral imagination if you cant then you've achieved AP proper.
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Re: astral travel
Post # 12
thank you!
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Re: astral travel
Post # 13
No problems always glad to help
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Re: astral travel
Post # 14
i do not actively try and get my consciousness out of my body, i just let my spirit jump to the astral level, but most times im just searching it for someone.

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