wisdom teeth /:

Forums ► Herbalism ► wisdom teeth /:

Re: wisdom teeth /:
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 5
Hatred of cotton balls and wet napkins...you must have had a very interesting childhood. Haha! just kidding.

You're welcome. =)
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Re: wisdom teeth /:
Post # 6
so i have been having wisdom pain to. my dad told me to put lemons/lemon juice on the affected areas.. i am the same with cotton balls, so i just swished it in my mouth for a minute or two. it tasted really bad, but it did take the pain away for a while :) it was a relief. hope this helps
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Re: wisdom teeth /:
Post # 7
Does everybody get pain in the wisdom tooth at an older age?
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Re: wisdom teeth /:
Post # 8

@Nicholas: Nope, and I wouldn't think so. Honestly, I think that my wisdom teeth came around while I was in middle school, maybe around when I was thirteen. They didn't hurt, but then I ended up getting braces in ninth grade so I needed to get teeth removed, which included all of my wisdon teeth (and a few others), and my wisdon teeth turned out to be impacted. I didn't experience much pain, since they put me to sleep.

But really, it is better to get those removed at a younger age when your wisdom teeth are still new since they have yet to grow roots.

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Re: wisdom teeth /:
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 9
I would never use pure lemon juice on tooth because it contains citric acid.Citric acid dissolves tooth enamel causing erosion, and if the erosion reaches to your nerve then you will need a root canal treatment and this will lead to loosing your tooth eventually ,because tooth with a dead root is destined to fell off.People with sensitive teeth will experience sensitivity almost immediately.
What causes carries is the acid produced by the bacteria that lives in our mouth and feeds on simple sugars because the enzyme present in our saliva (amylase) breaks down the starch to more simple compounds.Of course, every single organism has metabolism ,and this working metabolism results in metabolic waste and in the case of bacteria it is in form of acid.The acid attacks the enamel ,so in the human mouth ph does count as in entire human organism.You do not want more acid on the top of the acid that is already there to further dissolve your teeth minerals.

I am currently growing my first wisdom tooth ,despite I am 33 years old.It is not fun.The most painful part is until the tooth breaks through the gum and it is better that it does go all away through it ,so it will be less impacted.Oral hygiene is must ,because if your wisdom tooth gets infected and the infection effects the root and the nerve ,you will loose your third molar too.My tooth is still growing and I support the pain ,but in case that you want to use painkillers all the time think twice.You can overdose them ,and such overdose might cause migraine attacks and another adverse effects.Not to mention that you will need bigger dose after time.Herbal remedies are better ,as long as they do not contain acid that damages along with reducing the pain.I have heard that clove also helps in case of toothache.Simply place the entire clove on the tooth or near by and chew it.When the clove breaks you should feel bitter taste,because the active ingredients and the oils will be released.Hold in in place for a minute and the spit it out.Alternatively,you can use clove oil and place it on the tooth.Clove will work on aching muscles too.The active chemical in the plant is eugenol, and it has also antibacterial properties .You do want the bacteria away from your wisdom tooth and the gum ,through which it is poking through.
When a tooth hurts for very long time and the nerve of the tooth is over exited it might trigger other trigger points in the jaw and the jaw muscle then will trigger another satelite points in the temples ,giving you the worst migraine ever.Pain should never be ignored on long run ,or you might get aches and pain all over your face and temples.Not to mention that impacted wisdom tooth can cause infection and other very serious issues.Wisdom teeth have to be observed closely to see how they are progressing and if they are not impacted and threatening the healthy near by teeth ,or causing the activation of latent triggers points in facial muscles.

As for the cotton balls during the night I can not help ,but think what will happen if it dislodges during sleep, and ends up in your trachea causing pulmonary aspiration.There is a good chance that you will be dead ,by the time someone even noticed that you are not breathing.
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Re: wisdom teeth /:
By: / Novice
Post # 10
Make a strong sage tea to use a a rinse. Not only does this numb pain, but it keeps any infection away. Also good for before going to dentist for teeth work. People tend to wait to have a tooth pulled, only to go and have to take antibiotics before the pull. Sage tea rinse will keep infection down, so the tooth can be pulled on first trip.
It is true about the lemon, and all citrus, coffee, cola, etc. They eat away the enamel, which you can never get back. Always rinse your mouth out after eating and drinking. I can't stress enough how important this is. BB
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Re: wisdom teeth /:
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 11
I'm sure diluted oregano oil would also work well, seeing that it is antibacterial. I have never tried it on my teeth before however, so I can't say first hand. But it seems logical.
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Re: wisdom teeth /:
Post # 12
none of your spells worked
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Re: wisdom teeth /:
Post # 13
Put a whole clove on the area of pain and suck on it. It will relieve pain in that area of the gums.
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Re: wisdom teeth /:
Post # 14
This thread is two years old. The user is no longer on the site.
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