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Re: Summoning....
Post # 51
>>>Actually! some ridiculous ways do work. I might aswell tell you all, Demons would sometimes offer you power, at the price of, giving them a free pass to our realm. Now don't bother telling me not to let them in our realm, because I have no other choice apart from selling them my soul, or giving them a bit of my soul.

There are other forms of pacts with spirits that don't involve souls or blood. In some cases, a pact can be the establishment of friendship with a spirit. Sometimes, it's an exchange of services. Something as simple as spreading their name or sigil around. Mentioning the spirit to others in similar situations. But, it's best to work out everything for both sides of the agreement before anything happens.

>>>Is it really true, if you summon faery's, demon's, vampires etc. Most of the time they grant you great power?

Take the spirit Loki. I've read that you can never summon him. If you interact with him, he is the one that has made the choice and you can't force him into any sacred triangle. I don't know if it's true. He appeared to me just when I was reading up on him. The thing about Loki, as well as some other spirits is that they will cause events to happen that make you produce the energy necessary to make the change you want. And they take on the position of guiding that energy to achieve the goal you want, so they don't have to expend any of their own.

The how and why a goal manifests in the material realm will vary from spirit to spirit.

Also, Loki asks people questions before he helps anyone to see what they say and varies it from person to person, as well as when he asks those questions. Some advice in case anyone runs into him.
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Re: Summoning....
Post # 52

1. I dont care.

2. I already know everything, this thread is ANCIENT, I know about demons, I know how to summon demons, I know what do do before summoning one, I know how to contact demons, and I know how to get djinn names.

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