ghost sword?

Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► ghost sword?

Re: ghost sword?
Post # 8
yes i agree with mr hanson because you see they only attack you when u get them angered

for example:
I was watching "A Haunting" because i was bored but what drue to my interests was that this man had found a secret passage (about child sized) in the closet and inside of it was a whole room (lol the description is a bit long so i'll just come to the point) the man decide to tear down the wall so it would be a walk in closet (but what he didn't know was that a man lived there with 7 wifes and 7 children a century ago and he used to tortue or molest the children) so the spirt of the man got angry at him for finding his secret place and then he starts attack him and his family.
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Re: ghost sword?
Post # 9
lol kewljenny i wached that one...
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Re: ghost sword?
Post # 10
ghosts do not just come they normaly have a reason so just try talking to it
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Re: ghost sword?
By: / Beginner
Post # 11
my whole point is you can piss a goast off just by steping in an old house they used to live in and some goast will hold a grudge until the day you die. however protection spells work on them and i think the whole goast sword thing is wrong, i see goasts better than most yet you dont see me trying to distroy them!
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Re: ghost sword?
Post # 12
yea garra ur right there are some ghost like that and for the sword this is a way to do it but theres no point in killing it just banish it, although i have to say i have killed a spirit but that was because it possessed my friend and tried killing my friend
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Re: ghost sword?
Post # 13
and yea the sword banishes them and wen i said kill i meant trap lol sry to tired its 5 30 am
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Re: ghost sword?
By: / Beginner
Post # 14
im sorry too i didnt think of all the situations before replying and replied rudly
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Re: ghost sword?
Post # 15
its ok lol
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Re: ghost sword?
Post # 16
Oh good so I want the onlyone who found that episode completely creepy. Anybody ever watch taps?
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Re: ghost sword?
Post # 17
try communicating with the ghost, maybe you could reason with it
if that doesn't work do a spirit binding
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