Become vegetarians!!!

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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 71
"There was a family in the news a few years ago who had their children taken away from them because of their choice of lifestyle. They were vegan and their children were seriously and disgustingly underweight due to it."

wow...that's really sad : [

"Parents being strict on the no veggitarian thing can be due to your age, or perhaps you just didn't express your thoughts in a mature enough manner for them to think you had any idea what you were talking about."

i guess once you turn 18, your parents really can't stop you from becoming a vegetarian if you chose. that is what i did.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 72
very true. In America, you are technically and legally your parents property until 18. That sounds cruel, but they are responsible for you and your actions....affect them.

granted with kids running around now a days claiming abuse that's gone down hill a bit, but whatever.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 73
If we all went vegetarian, wouldn't there be too many cows and chickens and pigs running around the Earth?

On the other hand, cows do contribute to Global Warming...
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 74
yes BUT animals can fight and kill them self for that is nature not humans intafering.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 75
how do cows contribute to global warming? honestly, humans are contributing more.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 76
I am a level 4 vegan. I only eat things without a shadow.

Seriously thought becoming a vegetarian is a choice that one makes for many different reasons. If you do become one or a vegan then you need to educate yourself on how to eat properly to still gain all that your body needs to survive. Beans are your friends and and tofu can taste good with the right spices. For more info check out these sites;

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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 77
Cow flatulents contain methane gas, one one the main causes of global warming. If we stop producing so many cows for people to eat then there will be less cows equaling less methane gas.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 78
Thanks for the Links Katie! I can't wait to watch them. I keep trying to be vegan,but I know I am not doing it right. I get sick and run for the burgers or chicken. then all well.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 79
oh try boca patyes they are the orgnal vegan pattys they actuly teast like REAL meat not fake REAL meat but it is soy protin
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 80
Human flatulance contains methane as well.

Don't blame the cows alone...we help too.
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