The Shadow Lords

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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 91
I propose we use the keys to enter thier world and take the fight to them
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 92
Yeah sure, let's grab all the keys from other families that we don't have the FAINTEST idea where they live, unlock the door to omnipotent demonic forces, get completley slaughtered in a matter of minutes and release a gateway to our world where they'll escape and slaughter even MORE people! Do I even have to HINT on the sarcastic expression of that sentence??!!! What I'm trying to say is, we are FAR too weak to handle a whole banished legion of creatures that are more powerful than their minnions!
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 93
a lot...maybe....but we must fight them...even if we`re weak..
you don`t want to see their real master...the Chaotic.
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 94
thats why im trying to teach my abilite. so we at least have a chance.........................
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 95
Exacty! if we all trained and became SUPER powerful!
(powerful enough to control them) we enter their world
And control them into a war with themselves! then kill
"Chaotic" their master!

I MEAN 1/10000000000000 CHANCES!
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 96
What do you guys study cause I can't see how just the spells on this site would be of any use...?
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 97
The spells on this site are mostly low magick and low magick would get us absoloutley NOWHERE! We need to find spells from ancient books of Shadows that are arcane and do not require almost a lifetime of magickal experience if we have any hope of surviving in the Lost World.
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 98
However, Patric's idea of battling them has sparked an idea in my mind and it is now burning with a fiery, roaring lust; most of us have been seeing a hooded figure who is the secondary leader of the Shadow Lords, until of course, they free the priests. Here's the idea, if we battle and sucessfully kill the hooded Shadow Lord, then the integral army MIGHT collapse, and they will begin fighting eachother for supremecy, leaving the perfect oppurtunity for us to completley destroy them.
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 99
thats why im teaching abilites the spells on this site will do bearly anything there just for training. i will put up a class to teach abilites.
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 100
Where did you get the books? You're making a class zakaki?
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