hi i'm new :D

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hi i'm new :D
Post # 1
Hi i'm Monica.
I been a wiccan for year now.... I want learn more so may yall help me.

bless be
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Re: hi i
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Welcome, minica. I hope you learn all that you wish and more. If you have questions, please ask.
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Re: hi i
Post # 3
hi monica
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Re: hi i
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Sorry. I meant Monica.
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Re: hi i
Post # 5
Merry Meet Monica and welcome to this site. Just ask and you will get a reply from someone as we are all learning too. There are so many wonderful people on this site and we all have different skills. Perdurabo is wonderful and can help you with many things so just ask him or any of us.

Blessed Be
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Re: hi i
Post # 6
Thank you. I'm glad yall so nice.

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