Greek Gods

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Greek Gods
Post # 1
Do they exist?

By that I mean, as higher beings...or are they simply spirits that have been given enough strength with peoples belief in them?

Or is what I just described the exact same thing?

Yea, I'm confusing myself here too.

I used to be visited by a...we'll just say being, though I haven't felt his presense in a very long time...I still get the feeling every now and then that while I can't feel him, I know he's there. My friends mother used to not go within 5 feet of me because she said she could see/sense a very dominant male presense around me who was protective of me. Pretty much scared the crap out of her, but she loved me anyways lol.
Now, this being called himself Ares.

There are a few....odd things that have happened as a result of our encounters, that I admitt I am embarressed to go into detail here. I've been questioning my sanity around these events for a while lol.

Anyways...a "god"...or a spirit who just happened to dig greek mythology?

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Re: Greek Gods
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Of course they exsist. No hay uno adios hay muchos. If people create and believe in something enough it will become real and stong but essentially is nothing. Gods will always exsist weither people believe in them or not but Im sure it helps. Spirits are different, people, plants, animals, etc. It was probably your guardian, everyone has one and that woman wanted to hurt you. Hey there are many different names just because it has the same name as the god doesnt mean it is the god.
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Re: Greek Gods
Post # 3
Greek gods don't exist on the Physical Plain. However, they do exist as thoughtforms on the Astral Plain.
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Re: Greek Gods
Post # 4
I understand completely. I used to think that just because people did not activly worship them as they did before, didn't mean they weren't there. Then of course I second guess myself and start asking questions I have no answers to, which creates doubt in my mind.

I have flip flopped between it being a guardian and being a god. I know he specifically said god of war, and I did believe it.

Then I got to thinking why would a god, let alone the god of war visit a self proclaimed healer and have the relationship we had?

When I started to doubt and question is when I didn't feel his presence as much, and eventually not at all like I used to.

It was an odd, but wonderful time when he was around. There were things told to me that have since come true with right on accuracy, most of which have to do with my son.

Perhaps I'm trying to hard to find logic in something that has none.
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Re: Greek Gods
Post # 5
Right, Jahb.

Most encounters where I could see him were in the astral. But I could hear him in this plane at times as well, which when you're 16 and hearing male voices in your's usually a time to seek medical assistance lol.

Again, just trying to make sense of it.
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Re: Greek Gods
By: / Novice
Post # 6
I've always found it interesting, the connections between the greek deitiesn the egyptian deities and the hindu deities. Some of the greek gods are even mentioned in relation to angelic beings.
By connection, I mean if you read around, you can get the impression that it's the same being with a different name. And that makes sense. From one many seems to be the primary basis of most religions, depending on how you take those words.
For instance though, Ares is the greek god of war, Onuris is the egyptian god of war and hunting. Even the greeks identified Onuris with Ares.
Lol. I'm sure this isn't much help, but again, an aspect of things I find interesting.
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