Im new!

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Im new!
Post # 1
Hi, im Satoshi, and im new here on this site! I have been looking up other magic before coming to this site,(good luck and stop the rain mostly..) but this site looks like it has a lot of good spells and rituals all in one spot, so i had to join! looking forward to meeting you guys.
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Re: Im new!
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Welcome, Satoshi, and we are glad you're here. Don't forget the very best place to start is with meditation and visualization. Also read a ton! Lol. Good luck.
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Re: Im new!
Post # 3
Merry Meet Satoshi and welcome to the site. I hope you will learn much and give much.

Perdurabo is correct - meditation and visualisatin is very very important and many new comers to magick ignore it then don't know why their spells don't work.

Feel free to ask any questions.

Rowan Adara
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