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Post # 1
i am trying to find a green crystal for a spell can any 1 help me...
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Re: help
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Perry, UT. I don't know where you are, but call a rock shop in the Ogden, UT area, and see if you can locate a green stone called, I believe, aventurine. I used to gather these amazing stones myself. In appearance at first they almost resemble a pale jade. Looking closer though, it is a crystallized stone. Not sure the process by which they come to be, but they are outstanding. I'll research to make sure I'm right on the name, before you go on a goose chase. ;)
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Re: help
By: / Novice
Post # 3
That is definitely the stone, though I didn't find a mention of deposits in UT, which is odd since I used to find it myself. So I may be onto something there. You maybe able to find it any ol' rockshop. It is called, of course, green aventurine quartz.
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Re: help
Post # 4
Merry Meet Darkwave

Wow Perdurabo imagine being able to pick them up from the ground. They are wonderful crystals that clear the mind, and prepare the mind for meditation. They also remove unwanted mental attachment such as greed etc.

Also the Australian aboriginies used them in rain making ceremonies.


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