banish a neighbour

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banish a neighbour
Post # 1
Can you help me with a spell to banish my horrid neighbour. I bought a spell online which was cast on a certain day in the summer, but it has not worked. I wonder if it went wrong because my nice neighbours on the other side of me are leaving to go back home in January since their contract finished. My horrid neighbour whose house has been for sale for almost 1 year had had only one person even come to view it.
She has been racially abusive to myself, my husband and my children. She is a bully! If we make any noise at all, then she bangs on the walls, slams her doors and windows like a madwoman. We have called the police several times, but she even slams the door in their face. I do not invite my friends or my children's friends over anymore becuase of her. It's worse because she is a primary school teacher and has the same holidays as myself and my children.
This has been going on since we moved in nearly 2 years ago. I just want her to move.
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Re: banish a neighbour
Post # 2
i dont think it was smart to buy a spell online instead of a banish spell why dont you try a protection spell? sorry im not that good of help
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Re: banish a neighbour
Post # 3
Merry Meet Tats.

How awful and her being a teacher too.

I think you hit the nail on the head with your last line - "I just want her to move

Best to do some spells for house selling and help her along. You will never change anyone - they have to do that themselves. Bannishing can have different effects too. Try some spells for house selling and also for protection for your home and yourselves.

Try this website as it has lots of really good spells on it

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