Behold mortals ;P

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Behold mortals ;P
Post # 1
Many of you are gods of spelling like me but no to all i bring for FREE my ultimate power:
*Drumms rolling*

The MIGHTY spell check:

Enjoy my power mortals.

Note:This was meant as parody but duo to lack of humor of writer and his lack of sanity it may not be funny..
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Re: Behold mortals ;P
Post # 2
Nex~ Oh Might God of the Spellcheck! I bow to your wisdom.
But you can't be crazy your the "God of Spellcheck"! I have heard stories of your magical gifts!The stories of your insanity are from the other Gods jealous of your powers.
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Re: Behold mortals ;P
Post # 3
I do not think I need that... but thanks for the thought..
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Re: Behold mortals ;P
Post # 4
Hehe, "duo to lack of humor"
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Re: Behold mortals ;P
Post # 5
If you're the God can i be the Goddess??

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Re: Behold mortals ;P
Post # 6
You can if you agree to be from the ribcage of God and only created because God needed company...
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Re: Behold mortals ;P
Post # 7
As far as i have seen on this site my "gift" needs to be given to hearts of many.

I am god,unity of two soul,the perfection,both and neither gender ;)
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Re: Behold mortals ;P
Post # 8
Hail Nex, lord of the divine underworld spellcheck!! Hail!! ;)
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