Scratched CD?

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Scratched CD?
Post # 1
Hey does any one have a spell or some advice on fixing scratched CDs? And please don't say "take better care of them" because my brother scratched them not me. Thank you.
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Re: Scratched CD?
Post # 2
It would probably be smarter to just buy a CD buffing kit. It would be much simpler than using magick. Try to only use magick as a last resort.
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Re: Scratched CD?
Post # 3
Banana skin is ment to do it..type it into u tube
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Re: Scratched CD?
Post # 4
i know this is gonna sound like BS, but it aint magick, yet it works ;) Use toothpase, not the type with grains in it, one of the more clear smooth types, just take a tiny bit and more or less polish it onto the cd where it is scratched, once again, not sure how or why it works, but if done right it works the same as a buffing kit would, as soon as you have the cd in a condition where it plays ask a friend to copy it for you cause the toothpaste is just a temporary fix.
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Re: Scratched CD?
Post # 5
Sweet, thanks to everyone!!
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Re: Scratched CD?
Post # 6
I heard somewhere that wood polisher (like pledge) works too but i have never tried it. It is supposed to fill in small scratches.
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Re: Scratched CD?
Post # 7
Well, the toothpaste works because the toothpaste has special fitoplacton that polish your teeth, then, if used on the cd, it polishes it.
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