Looking for a real teach

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Looking for a real teach
Post # 1
Im not into games. Im looking for a real teacher who is looking for a serious student.
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Re: Looking for a real teach
Post # 2
Ask and you will receive. You have to ask for specific questions in order to get an answer. Are you a beginner? What abilities do you wish to develop? And so on and so forth. Good luck with ur quest.
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Re: Looking for a real te
Post # 3
Rebeca, I had been with a teacher of mine about those staff. He has give a lot of knowlege till I stop being a student anymore.I'm now a teacher too. The most helpfull part was that we lived at the same village (even he were not from here, he were from other country, luck? maybe). Yet I can teach you sometings from msn if you wish.
My msn is : darkyl0rd@hotmail.com
the o at l0rd is zero not o.
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Re: Looking for a real te
Post # 4
Hi Rebecca,
There are tons of teachers out there; it depends on what you want to learn. Wicca? Traditional craft? Santeria? Hoodoo? Egyptian magic? Maybe something completely different... Can you post more about what you are looking for? It might be easier to direct you to some different sources... :-) Ren
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Re: Looking for a real teach
Post # 5
But becareful, there are alot of people that wanna take advantage of you too!
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