i had a vision

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i had a vision
Post # 1
when i was meditating i saw i woman in i white robe she came to me and song this.

the time has come,
the time is here,
the war if ages as begun,
all who fight will save a life,
all that dont will lose a life,

the time has come,
the time is upon us,
the pure will fight,
the war will be won,
but to hoom no one knows,
that is up to the ones of pure,

those wo fight will cast out the blight,
bring in the light,
and save a life,

people will sing,
great songs of hope,
there names will be remembered for years to come,

so let this war be known to all,
the time has come,
the time is here.

i know it sound stupid but its true. I fell that we can win the war if we fight with a pure hart and soul.
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Re: i had a vision
Post # 2
You remmembered the song in details!
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Re: i had a vision
Post # 3
well........this one sounds like a hard one....but yea i fell we will win the war...
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Re: i had a vision
Post # 4
stop, posting crap!!!!!!!!!
no way u can remember what was sung in such details
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Re: i had a vision
Post # 5
hmf u dont know that especially if it was vision dont say sum shit like dat a vision is jus like dream recall to so dont criticize her greeneyes
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Re: i had a vision
Post # 6
by the way im not a here i have never tryed to pass my self off as a girl so dont refer to me as one and for two i was able to recall all of it because i have mastered the art of meditation far beond any one has ever thought possible. an please i dont whant people to post if you only have crape to say about it.
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Re: i had a vision
Post # 7
oh yea....stop the crap on pushing onto people`s belief...
its the fact that people believe and its them who want it to believe greeneye!
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Re: i had a vision
Post # 8
i think you for the replies and may the war tilte to our favore
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Re: i had a vision
Post # 9
Well that sounds like an angelic presence to me...
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Re: i had a vision
Post # 10
when i was meditating last nite just felt and saw every thing blue, like flashing sketches (in my mind's vision which will be roots for my third eye) but unclear yet...hope so a good sign...??? i m a beginner
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