under ones wing?

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under ones wing?
Post # 1
I am 22 and have been practicing magick since i was 18 been studying since i was 15 i dont believe in good magick or bad i believe in magick and good and bad people but i generally follow the whole u get back wat you give out way of thinking. anyways im on here to learn all i can learn if anyone could stear me in the right direction i would be greatful for anything i can get. thank u :)
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Re: under ones wing?
Post # 2
i will be glad to help just send me a pm
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Re: under ones wing?
Post # 3
If you need a hand i'd be more than willing to offer it. Also rowan adarra is good with this sort of thing. If you would like help from me though just pm me.
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Re: under ones wing?
Post # 4
I'd love to help just send me a msg
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Re: under ones wing?
Post # 5
ya i'l try in my powers 2 help u as much as i can
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