bring back a lover spell

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bring back a lover spell
Post # 1
can someone please help/give me a spell that will bring my ex back? it doesn't matter to me if it's white or black magick, as long as it's easy and it works.
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Re: bring back a lover spell
Post # 2
Perhaps you should take a few steps back and reconsider this idea.

S/He is an ex for a reason.
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Re: bring back a lover spell
Post # 3
You have to see past looking with your heart,and look with your head(and Believe me I know its hard to do).But Like Healer said there is always a reason for an ex....being an ex..and if you intervien with magick,your probably not going to get the result you want
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Re: bring back a lover spell
Post # 4
I just love it when you guys start preaching to someone about love spells. And I am sure that this is what you hate most in Christians.

You act like all religions in the world are like Wicca and that they all harm none, and you also act like this person didn't think of all else before deciding to ask for a spell on a public forum.

If you disagree, how about this: don't post.

Now Megan, you have a lot of love spells in a spells section of the site.
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Re: bring back a lover spell
Post # 5
Anna =)

First of all, I do not "hate" Christains, nor in this post is anyone "preaching". It's called a suggestion from a different point of view.

I personally do not abide by the harm none rule and would very much appreciate if you keep your assumptions of my views of religions in the world to yourself since it is VERY off.

When a person is emotional, they tend not to think of all possibilities. They tend to think within a small box and only find solutions to solve their issues in the exact way they want because frankly, anything is better than the pain they feel in their heart. I've been there, I've seen others there, and I can understand how much it hurts--but I can also see that it is rarely ( if ever ) worth it.

Personally, I do not think magick is needed to solve every one of lifes issues, and I will offer advice to finding another solution. Love spells, in my opinion are for the weak. They are ( if successful ) forcing someone to love them because it will make the caster feel better. Not caring if those emotions are real, or truely wanted by the other party, in my opinion, shows a lack of personal respect and a lack of respect for the one said caster claims to care about. That's not love, that's self absorbtion.

Now, you may choose to use magick to solve the trivial situations in your life that you are not mentally strong enough to handle and grow from, but I do not. And since I do not, I offer my opinion on the matter to help others see a different side and consider different actions ( though I am usually a bit harsh about it ). I think life lessons should be learned, and not avoided. But that's just me.

I suggest you look for the true intent of a post before jumping on your little soap box deciding you are going to scold people for the posts they make.
Last I checked, this is still a public forum where I can post as I see fit if it goes along with TOS. The same as you.

If you do not like the opinions of a post, or suggestions made and about this- don't post =)
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Re: bring back a lover spell
Post # 6
wow whos the one with the anger now lol
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Re: bring back a lover sp
Post # 7
Lucifer55-also known I believe as Pain. Healer just made some good points i do not think she was mad, just making her point.

I did not like anna's assumptions myself, as for me a witch. They were totally off base and wrong as well.
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