The Secret

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The Secret
Post # 1
Has anyone exactly heard of this??? I want to know if anyone knows where it came from is it like a hidden thing but no one wanted people to find out about it??

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Re: The Secret
Post # 2
ind out about what
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Re: The Secret
Post # 3
You mean the Law of Attraction? Or a real secret (because they can't STILL call it 'The Secret' when they've sold books and videos talking about it and shown in on Oprah and told everyone... 0_o)
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Re: The Secret
Post # 4
well they showed it everywhere. so it is not a secret no more.

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Re: The Secret
Post # 5
Haha yeah i know....I'm just wondering about the law of attraction... I just want to know if anyone knew where it came from who figured this all out?? Just my own curiosity I guess

God Bless
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Re: The Secret
Post # 6
i now a better secret but it is very dangerous to now it,
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Re: The Secret
Post # 7
its a video of a gay..
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Re: The Secret
Post # 8
The Secret is a Rosicrucian advertisement, that states the Law of Attraction in the simplest way possible. It's an old practice of attracting positive things into one's life through spirituality, and ultimately attracting them in reality.
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Re: The Secret
Post # 9
Do explain ive never heard of The Secret
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Re: The Secret
Post # 10
"The Secret" is a book written by some cultist-Rosicrucian that states the Law of Attraction.
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