Hello, can you help me?

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Hello, can you help me?
Post # 1
Hi, I was just wondering if any of you could help me.

First off, I am typically a person who likes facts before I belive stuff. So I was really wondering if there are ANY spells that are easy for a a beginner or a person who CAN'T meditate at all. That would help me believe more so maybe later I could do more difficult things.

I was also hoping if you could tell me more about magick and your experiences so I don't feel odd trying all these things.

Thanks for your time!
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Re: Hello, can you help m
Post # 2
try candle magic....makes a non believer believes.....just remember...a bad spell will always come back to you 10 x fold....so be careful..
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Re: Hello, can you help me?
Post # 3
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