need spells

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need spells
Post # 1
i need the strongest and even ancient black magick spells around.also,not just that.i need any spells from any magick type.
wiccan,druid,pagan,white ,black,or grey.i want them.
if anyone can help,please do.thanks.
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Re: need spells
Post # 2
By my experience it's not spells that are powerful but the magician... so, you can draw as much floor geometry as the Key of Solomon says, but if you don't have the inner harmony it really won't work. Wicca and Paganism religions rather than magickal techniques, so why not look into Chaos magic (creation, firing&charging of sigils, invocation of odd things and creation of servitors, see Peter Carroll's "Liber Null") Ceremonial magick (summoning and commanding of powerful forces that won't "make" you powerful so much as you had better already be more powerful to have called them to be bossed around in the first place, see the works of Aleister Crowley) or pre-Gardnerian Witchcraft (or even the modern ones with lot of candle magick, herb correspondences etc... because, the grimoires from the older, bloodier traditions can be a little expensive.)
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Re: need spells
Post # 3
Oops, meant to type that Wicca and Paganism are religions not magical techniques.
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Re: need spells
Post # 4
i already do most of that.and yes,wicca is religious.but they have some ceremonial magick u shouldnt turn ur head from.thanks for the help
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Re: need spells
Post # 5
sorry.i was typing fast.i meant magick no matter where it comes from.not to say paganism or wicca was a magickal study
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