My Psionics Articles!

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My Psionics Articles!
Post # 1
Okay, I made these articles a few months ago, so they might not be THAT good, but I figured I'd post them anyways. They may seem not as good as my reiki article, for that was more recent.


What is psionics?

Psionics is something that takes time and practice to master, psionics is a dedicated art. Psionics is something to pass the time practicing during commercials. Psionics is many things, at the same time. Psionics is in general, a study of the following. Energy Manipulation (Ki, Chi, Psi, etc), Telepathy and Empathy, Out Of Body Experiences, Remote Presence, Precognition, Retrocognition, Astral Projection, Telekinesis, and more. All in which take time and practice to do. No one can have mastered any of these, for in our limited life spans, it is impossible to see the full potential of such things.

In energy manipulation, we will mainly be using psi. Psi is an energy that is in every living organism. It is in the trees, yourself, the moon, the earth; you name it. So we take energy from those things to avoid exhaustion. This is called an energy source. Psi is a fairly dormant matter with absolutely no set properties. No get flow rate, shape, size, velocity, density, etc. These are all programmed by you subconsciously, so if you think psi is an energy that is thick, and hard to manipulate, it will turn out like that, and vice-versa.

What psionics is Not.

Psionics is not reading peoples mind after 2hours of training. It is interpreting those signals for their proper meaning, which is hard, and takes time to master.Psionics is not blowing stuff up with your mind, it is hours upon hours to in the end accomplish moving a tv remote, a peice of paper, or even making the rain not hit you. Psionics is not Dragon Ball Z, or Naruto. Psionics is practicing to work with these energies, and manipulate them ot your own will. Visibility comes with time, practice, and flaring. Psionics is not something that comes in a weeks training, it is something that you must dedicate time to, not get frustrated with, believe in, and know when to stop and take a rest i.e emotional blocks. Psionics is also not combat, killing people, giving people migraines, etc. And it is definitely not a game.


In conclusion, you will not blow things up with your mind now, or ever. You will not read someones mind after a few days practice. I just wanted to say this because there are a lot of kids whom think that's what is possible. It is not. And even if you don't have that much time on your hands, it's a nice hobby to have, really. And parents, try a few energy manipulation techniques on your free time (Tho we know it's hard to find free time). You don't even need to really use your hands, enject some psi into those delicious hamburgers, etc. It won't do anything for flavor, but it's nice to know what your kids doing right? So give it a chance! And for those who think psionics is all about combat... heh, your in for a rude awakening.

Energy Manipulation Articles

Beginner Energy Manipulation: The Psi Ball!
One of the most basic skills in psionics is energy manipulation. And one of the most basic skills in energy manipulation is the psi ball. Energy manipulation is used in pretty much all aspects of psionics weather it be telepathy, telekinesis, or just seeing auras, you need to know energy manipulation to do them.

So what is Psi?
There are many different beliefs, however what I believe is that psi is in ever living thing, weather it be a dog, a tree, or even a planet, psi exists there. So you can draw psi from these things. This is called using an energy source.The thing about psi is, it's an energy that for the most part, doesn't do anything, so like computers, you need to tell it to do something; for the psi ball, it needs to be told to sit there in the shape of a 3d sphere or ball. This is called programming. Programming is used to make psi do what you want it to do. In programming there are many different methods used such as visualization, verbally telling it what to do, the just do it method, conceptualization, and more. The most common, according to the people I know, is visualization.

Okay, so how do I make a psi ball?
A psi ball can be made anywhere, where the third eye is, on top of your computer, in you stuffed bear's stomach, or simply in your hands. So for now we're going to choose the hands. I want you to cup your hands in whatever way feels right. Have you ever saw on a tv show how the person with the crystal ball puts their hands over it? That's what I do. Anyways, get your hands in a good position as if you were holding a ball.

Next pick an energy source. You don't have to pick just one, you can pick as many as you want. Also, if you want your psi to have different properties, use different energy sources. For example, if you want your psi ball to be hot, use the sun as your energy source. This way your sub conscious will associate the two. Now that you have chosen an energy source I want you to visualize the psi energy coming from that source into your hands and forming a ball. You could also imagine it going up your body threw your feet, and to your hands. My way is to mix the energy with my own, which you can see in the Personal Techniques page. Now, if you want it to last longer than 3seconds after you've stopped focusing on it, I suggest you, instead of shelling it, because this can interfer with constructs, to visualize you ball getting harder, so it is "dense". To prevent energy from escaping, visualize the energy trying to escape, but not too much because you don't want to accidentally program it to try to escape, and now visualize it failing.

So now you've made you first construct, the all mighty psi ball. How do you know you did it?
When you move psi through your body, or even come in contact with it when making a psi ball, you should feel an immense tingling sensation, your fingers may or may not twitch (mine always do) and your hands might even feel numb! I suppose you'll want to see this all-mighty creation, yes? Well that's called flaring, and that's for another day.

Beginner Energy Manipulation: Programming and Constructs

Before we get into flaring, I think we should start learning programming first. A construct is a peice of psi that has been programmed to do a specific task. A psi ball is a construct that as said before has been programmed to sit there in a ball and look pretty. There are limitless things that you can do with programming. You could program a construct to give you a weird feeling in your chest when it senses someone has passed the road on the way to your house, you could program a construct to steal energy from another (tho I don't recommend it) or you could even program a construct to give watch over someone, and protect them if they get psionically attacked. Needless to say programming is a must know in the art of energy manipulation.

In order to program a construct you need to have a pretty good idea on how you programmed your psi ball. Did you use visualization, did you verbally tell it to? To be honest, I use both, except to make sure I don't look like a fool, I usually say it in my head to the construct. The first thing you must do is know what you want the construct to do. If we want the construct to sit there in a ball, and when your favorite tv show is on channel 19, give you a cold feeling on your leg, then visualize it doing just that. Visualize your favorite tv show being on, and because of that, it makes your leg feel cold.

As I said before, the possibilities of what you can program a construct to do are endless. Don't hesitate to be creative, or even mischievous dare I add. After you've done some of these things for a while, practiced them, and used them in day to day life, check out Stolides articles for some Intermediate help. The next step is learning how to shield.

I know a common question around the "newbies" shall we call them, of the psionics community is "How do I know if I made a psi ball?" So I decided to write an article on this.

When you move psi throughtout your body, and allow it to flow, you will feel various sensations. These include, but are not limited to the following:

If you feel these, you have made a psi ball; but for some people, this isn't good enough. So if you really want to verify it, ask a few close friends to scan your psi ball, and report back to you. If you really want to be creative, add some color to it, and ask them what color it is.

But I want to see it.
Normally there is no way to see a psi ball, luckily, the creative minds of multiple psionic communities discovered a technique called flaring. I barely ever use flaring much, however I have successfully done it all 3 times I've tried it. Once as a white mist, a black mist, and a red spark. There is no one technique for flaring, however I will show you one that I know, tho I think it was founded by psipog.

First, make a decently dense psiball. Put at least 3 minutes into it. Once that's done I want you through visualization, to make it start spinning. Through experiments I have discovered another added bonus of spinning is that when a psi construct spins, it naturally gathers it's own energy. Keep spinning it, and decide on a color, this may now be the color that it will come up as in the flare, however it may help. Now that you've got your colored psiball, imagine it coming into reality, exploding into a beautiful mass of ball. Booming into the physical realm. If you see a faint, quick spark, or a mist, congratulation, you have now successfully flared.

Re: My Psionics Articles!
Post # 2
Great Post.I wish all the newer ones to Magick would read this.It helps show why its so important to practice the BORING basics of meditation and Visualization,along with energy acumulation and concentration.
No Higher magick is going to be acheived overnight,but
Without a soild foundation ,it may never be acheived

Re: My Psionics Articles!
Post # 3
x3 Yay I'm so proud of myself :D!

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