CovenBaron La Croix ► SOLAR MAGICK
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Post # 1

Solar Magick utilizes the varying positions of the sun throughout the 24 hour cycle of the day and night. This system is particularly useful if you have working that is not so grave that it requires waiting for the porper season or astrological sighn to arrive. Perfect for everday magick.


This time begins at the moment the sun rises over the eastern horizon and lasts for one hour. Perfect time to purify objects, individuals or locations. Also highly condusive to financial and business success, breaking habits, beginning new projects, travel, warding off jealous energy of others or self, healing, mental magick that involves the conscious mind and increases of any kind. Comparable to the moon beginning its waxing phase.


This time begins when the sun is directly overhead at its fullest strength. Perfect for raising (and possibly storing/charging) large amounts of magickal energy, improving physical energy/ vitality, protection, money, power, success, business and completeing rituals begun at sunrise. Comparable to the full moon at its peak of potency. Use this "noon" energy from one hour before until the exact moment it is full after which the sun is considered to be in its waning phase. The exact point of Noon Is a god time to recite final incantations or light appropriate candles.


This time begins at the moment the sun falls below the western horizon and lasts for one hour after. This time should be used for rituals that begin the process of banishing, binding, ending relationships, hexbreaking, reversals and decreases of any kind. Can be followed by additional ritual activity at Midnight which is the darkest point of the sun and the most potent time for decreasing. Use the sunset time alone without a Midnight follow up for decrease rituals that are less serious. This time is comparable to the waning phase of the Moon.


The sun is directly below and at its greatest point f decrease. Use this time for serious banishngs (illness, energies and/or individuals) as well as divination, psychic ability, spirituality, dream magick, protection and completing rituals begun at sunset. Comparable to the black moon at its greatest point of decrease. Use this Midnight energy from one hour before until the exact moment of midnight after which the sun is considered to be in its waxing phase the exact point of midnight is a good time to recite final incantations or light appropriate candles.

Post # 2
Awesome that you posted this, Tank. I just learned about this about a month ago from a book I borrowed from a friend. :)

Post # 3
It is believed that the Sun Meditations were originally a practise that was reserved for only priests and priestesses and selected initiates. It is a powerful practise that should be performed with conscious participation. The meditations ground energy through the individual into the earth. It is recommended to begin with one meditation every seven days and gradually build up as you integrate the energies. Increase the frequency of the meditations according to your intuition. The Sun Meditations are to be performed as follows:

Fifteen minutes before sunrise or sunset, stand with your feet firmly planted on the ground, preferably with bare feet. This is indeed a magickal time when the light from the sun creates magnificent colours.

Breathe long and deep, at first with your eyes closed. Begin by focussing your attention at your feet and as you deeply inhale, draw energy from the earth below you, through the back of your legs, to meet at the base of the spine.

Continue inhaling, feeling the energy rise up the spine, through the crown of your head and out to greet the Universe. Hold the breath for a moment and then slowly begin to exhale as the energy is brought back through your body, to meet the earth again.

Visualise the energy moving in golden beams as the Golden rays of the Great Central Sun are infused into every fibre of your being. Continue breathing in this circular manner as the energy of the Earth and Sun make acquaintance with you.

While breathing, raise your arms with the palms facing towards the sun. Keep your arms straight and allow solar energy to enter into your palms and pulse through your arms. Keep your breathing steady and well established.

Open your eyes, lower your arms and allow yourself to absorb the sun’s rays while you enjoy the beauty of dawn or dusk.

Focus your gaze directly into the centre of the sun for a moment or two, but not for too long as it may damage your eyes. If you find this creates eye strain or excessive squinting, close your eyes and rest them, and don’t try again.

As a powerful connection is made with the sun, continue circular breathing and feel the warmth and light circulating through your body. Feel the connection between the earth and the sun. Establish your relationship to and with the sun. Do this for as long as you wish.

To close the meditation, bring the palms together at the centre of the chest and pull energy down to the earth. Ground and centre yourself. Give thanks and relax. Have a snack.

Post # 4
thanks for the new meditation technique

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