Has anyone ever experienced an INCUBUS Spirit that Does Sexual things to you at night, day, home or not home? Would love to know if others have experienced this and if anyone knows how to truly get rid of them. I have tried everything and can not get clear of this spirit. Please share
I have an a demonic visitor. Still dealing with it. You could try a total room cleansing overhaul and petitioning Diana guardian of maidens. that might help.
i tried lots of things with mine.. but still comes back after a few weeks. i can only keep it away for a few months by using energy manipulation techniques.
incubi are not actually sexual in nature.the have a sex to them yes but they dont visit you in your sleep to do the deed with you.Most incubi are small to medium size,mottled grey,and most of their face is a big toothy grin.long fingers and usually they sit on their haunches. To kill them is rather interesting as it involves bathing in tomato juice for a month maybe longer depending on the tenacity,some cling some don't, as well as adding garlic to your diet. As far as experience with them goes I have helped one person on here remove one and 2 people i know personally remove one.one of which we had to stick in a staff then bury in a crypt in a local cemetary which is now all kinds of messed up do to that.
yes i know the cure sounds weird. but trust me it works it just takes time.oh and tomato juice is good for the skin and garlic has awesome health benefits so it's kind of a plus.
if my description does not match what you see please mail me and i'll tell you what it is.
also a common set of signs that you have an incubi on u is that you constantly feel tired even after say a 12hour sleep cycle, eating any food tastes funny, and above all you see the little bugger every now and again when you sleep.
Gonna have to disagree with your description of an incubus there Eyes. They are DEFINITELY sexual in nature. Trust me I work extensively with a demonologist.
Raven, he is looking through his books for something that can help you.
yes but seeing as how you have only read about them while i have dealt with them i believe i have the upperhand here.further more while you may be "studying" demonology i have about 10 years going for me in that field also incubi arent demons just beings of a different plain of existance.
I know this will sound supper weird but it is super simple. When he visits you stick a 9 volt battery on your tongue. It will totally freak him and make him leave. I tried it myself and it seems to work.
And to Eyes, simple advice. Do not judge what you do not know.