2 Candles, red candles preferred but any work
Incense if you'd like to set a meditative mood
A picture of the one you wish to ensnare
Light your incense, cast your circle if you'd like.
Set the picture onto your altar, and place one candle on the upper left corner, and another on the upper right. Place your left index and middle fingers on the bottom left corner of the picture, and your right index and middle finger on the bottom right corner of the picture.
Say this chant and as you say it, focus strongly on the person you want to love you.
To you the one who's caught my eye
I bind you to me never lie
Never stray and love me 'till
I'm dead in the ground and then even still
Feel for me more than ever before
Each day each hour more and more
Happiness stay you when you're with me
When away sadness you'll see
But worry not for when you think
Of me and close your eyes, just blink
All that joy it shall flood free
And reminded of me you'll be
And every day when you feel down
You'll call to me and sadness drown
Tell of your troubles and tell me true
So your pains I may share with you
When it comes time for me to tell
Listen true and listen well
Offer advice so kind and clean
Of you the others will be green
To me you're bound forever more
Binding never to be tore
Completed now this spell shall be
As I will, so mote it be
After you are done saying the whole chant, drip some of the wax from the candles onto the photo, fold it in half, and kiss the photo. Extinguish the flames and firmly 'close' the spell in your mind, repeating the last part of the chant, "To me you're bound forever more
Binding never to be tore
Completed now this spell shall be
As I will, so mote it be" until the 'energy' of the spell fades.
After this you may keep the photo, burn it, throw it away, it does not matter once the spell is closed. It would be best to keep the candles though, and whenever you wish to reaffirm the spell, light them and meditate on thoughts of your lover.
Disclaimer: Concentration is a large part in this spell! If you do not believe it will work, it will not work! You must believe wholly and strongly. All of my spells rely on concentration and works of the mind, and every time I have done them they have worked. All the same, this does not mean you can pick some person you will never meet, or a celebrity, or something immature. Be responsible with this spell! It is best if you know the person first or if you take steps to begin to know them after casting the spell. You should see results soon, within a week. If you do not, then try to power yourself up more and redo the spell.