CovenDivine Spirits ► OBE
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Post # 1
I had my first OBE lately n it ws very very short.... i lied down for a while and after some time i just felt my legs were somewhere n when i realised they werent supposed to be there n it totally snapped back! how can i improve this? i wasnt visualising anything... do i need to visualise as in the rope technique?

Post # 2
What is OBE

Post # 3
Out Of Body Experience :)

Post # 4
In the coven spellbook under videos there are 55 video's. there are 2 currently up on Astral Projection, the first one is of my experiences on the Astral plane, and the second is some techniques and info on Astral projection, Etheric projection and OBE's. Feel Free to check it out, otherwise ALL 115 of my videos can be found on youtube @ www.youtube.com/user/thedarkmoonmidnight
Hope this helps

Post # 5
I've been trying to delve deep into my senses. To travel within and find the source of my power. I guess i'm not meditating in the right format. Several psychics have told me I already posses some great innate force and that i'm about to embark on a journey. I must admit I have been feeling different lately. I tried to do an OBE last night not realizing it. I was trying to push my mind beyond my physical senses. I didn't have much luck though. I really need help with many things. I feel as though If I can find myself I can find my true place in the coven and the universe and really be of help and a stimulating factor for growth. as far as I know I am alone (physically) where I reside in Mississippi. I know the spirits are amongst me I just don't know how to communicate with them. I sahll not give up in my efforts though. I feel they will come to my aid. Especially with that that lies before me.

Post # 6
have you tried invoking your spirit guides and asking them for help? also have you done third eye opening? meditation, grounding and opening your chakra;s these are all good places to start before embarking on your journey bright blessings sue

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