Gods A
By: vanilla_girl
Post # 1
Nov 08, 2009
So starting with 'A' here is some Gods and Goddesses:
Aine of Knockaine -
Irish Moon Goddess, she was the patroness of crops and cattle. Strong
associations with Beltaine.
Akua'ba -
also known as Ashanti of Africa, A lunar fertility goddess.
Al-lat -
Arabian Full Moon Goddess. She was represented by a uncut block of
white granite in At Ta'if, near Mecca.
Annit -
Annit was the Northern Babylonian goddess who was superseded by
Ishtar. Originally the ruler of the moon, Annit was portrayed as a
disk with eight rays. She and Sin, a male moon god, would often come
to the aid of mortals.
Aphrodite -
Greek "Foam Born" Moon Goddess, she was often refered to as "She who binds hearts together" and the Goddess from the Western Corner. She was beautiful, voluptuous, with blue eyes and light hair. She was also known as Marianna (The Ocean). Some of Her priestesses celebrated Her rituals with sexual rites from which men where banned. The Lotus became sacred to Her, borrowed from the Egyptian Goddess Isis. The love of women is sacred to Aphrodite, she is further associated with the heron, lovebird, swan and the dove(which
is a yonic symbol, and borrowed from Innanna). She is patroness to prostitutes. She is referred to as the Goddess of Love, beauty, physical love, sensuality, sexuality, passion, and relationships, affections and fertility.
Closer to home, Arianrod is the Welsh Moon Goddess, and also one of the several children of the mother Goddess Don. Her home was in the constellation Corona Borealis.
She is also referred to as Silver Wheel, High Fruitful Mother, Goddess of reincarnation. She was the keeper of the silver wheel of stars, which symbolises time and karma. Rituals to Arianrod takes place at the Full Moon.
As the Moon Goddess to both the Greeks and the legendary Amazons, Artemis's followers paid homage to her by the light of the full moon, by revealing themselves in the forest. She was associated with the waxing moon. She is said to be the same Goddess as the Huntress Diana of the Romans.
She was the Goddess of wild places and all things wild and was also referred to as the Bear Goddess, Hunter of Souls and was said to be a shapeshifter.
She was portrayed as tall, slim, lovely and dressed in a short tunic by the Greeks. Her chariot was pulled by silver stags and she roamed the forest, mountains with her nymphs and hunting dogs.The amazons (also referred to by some as Moon Women) worshiped her on the sixth day of the New Moon. She was defender of women who were threatened by men and acted swiftly when her help was needed.
She is associated with young girls, magick, sorcery, enchantment, psychic development, purification, woodlands and healing.
Athenesic (Ataensic)
Native American Moon God. Associated with water.
Chilean Moon Goddess who served as the protector to the Auracanians. She protects against disaster and evil spirits through the fear she creates. A red moon was sacred to her, and signified the death of an important person.
Other Gods and Goddesses whos names start with 'A' include:
Abhijit, a minor Hindu goddess of fortune. Abnoba, a forest and river goddess from Europe, thought to be Celtic Romano - but specifically remembered in the Black Forests of German.
Then there is also Abu, Abzu, Abundantia, Adeona (the Goddess of Passage to the Romans), Adad the Wind God of Meopotamia, lets not forget Aed, the Chthonic underworld god of the Irish Celts. Then of course also Aeolos, Agni, Ah Cancum (mayan), The God of Animals, Age, of Africa,Anup or Anubis of Egypt, Amun, Andrasta, Anukis, Apap, did
I mention Aphrodite ;-) and Ares, Athena, Attis and loads more....
Re: Gods A
By: Dark_Breed
Post # 2
Nov 08, 2009
God of the arts, music, justice, culture and athleticism. Twin brother of Artemis, he is also an archer. He was considered to be the "most Greek" of the Olympic gods, as he was the epitome of what a good and honorable male citizen should aspire to. As such, one of his ephitets was "Phoebus," which means "shining one," and because of this name he later became considered a sun god, displacing Helios.
God of war and brutality, he was not worshiped in a traditional sense. Considered to be a sourse of unending pain and strife, he was hated, unlike his Roman counterpart Mars, who was widely honored. Zeus himself said to Ares: "If you were not my son, I would cast you out of the heavens." He also had a quite infamous affair with Aphrodite.
Maiden goddess of war, justice, craftsmanship, and wisdom. She brought to the Greeks two of it's most famous products: olives and democracy. She is the partoness of Athens, where her great temple, the Parthenon, stands on the Acropolis. In antuquity, a statue of Athena stood in the Parthenon that was approximately 140 feet tall, made of ivory and gold. In her hand the statue held a 6-foot tall statue of Nike.
Son of Apollo, Asclepius is the god of healing. He carried with him a staff and a snake, which is still used as a medical symbol today. His main temple was at Epidaurus.
... more to come (too sleepy to continue) ... lol
Re: Gods A
By: vanilla_girl
Post # 3
Nov 08, 2009
Anna Perenna...
which was one of the earliest Goddess representing mother nature.She was worshipped by the latin people in italy...
Agni - Hindu God of Fire. He has razor-like golden teeth, three arms and seven legs. He carries flames, a pot full of water and a trident.
Athena - The Greek Goddess of wisdom. A warrior, she wears a breastplate and helmet and carries a lance and a shield. Associated with the city of Athens and the Olive tree.
Some more:
Aakuluujjusi - Inuit, the female principle of the creator deity.
Aclla - Incan Goddess of the Sun and beauty, younnd maidens were required to personify her for communal sacrifices.
Aengus MacOg - Irish God of love, romance and music. The son of Dagda and Boann.
Aeval - Irish Faery Goddess who represented and lived within the land.
Akerbeltz - A Basque horned god also called the 'dark man goat'.
Amalthea - Greek Goddess associated with the constellation of Capricorn.
Anna Perenna - Etruscan, Goddess of fertility and vegetation.
Ardwinna - Welsh archer Goddess.
Artio - Celtic hunter Goddess.
Atalanta - Greek, woodland Goddess of animals, sexuality and the hunt. Said to have been raised by bears.
Anath - The Babylonian and Phoenician Goddess of Just War and Mercy. Anath is a maiden, riding naked on a lion as a ferocious warrior. She is the only one that faced Mavet (death) who killed Ba'al. She went to the underworld, faced death and returned Ba'al to earth. This is similiar to many other resurrection myths, except this myth teaches contemporary canaanite pagans that only female life power can beat death.
Anath is also called Rachmai, which in Hebrew means mercy. She is the goddess of a necessity war, war for justice and war done to preserve life.
Another different one:
Amaterasu - Japanese Goddess of the Sun. She represents light in both its physical and metaphorical sense. One of her symbols is the mirror
Re: Gods A
By: Dark_Breed
Post # 4
Nov 08, 2009
He was the keeper of the four winds, sometimes refered to as a god, sometimes as a mortal king who was beloved by the gods.
The goddess of the sea and wife of Poseidon. The dolphin is sacred to her.
Brother of Eros and god of returned love. He punishes those who defy and scorn love.
The goddess of discord, chaos and strife. It is she who used the Apple of Discord to piss off Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena, beginning the Trojan War. Zeus hurled her to earth because of this, where she now takes delight in causing pain, confusion, folly, and infatuation.
One of the Titans that warred against Zeus, and lost. As punishment, Zeus condemned him to hold up the sky, though he is often depicted holding the earth on his shoulders.
Ao - China - The 4 Dragon Kings were named Ao Ch'in, Ao Kuanu, Ao Jun, & Ao Shun, and were Gods of the Rain & Sea. Every Stream & River had it's own Ao.
...Here are some Gods and Goddesses of the Pacific Islands...
Agunua - Solomons - Creator God, Serpent God.
Aluluei - Micronesia - God of Knowledge & Navigation. Sailors carried offerings to this God for Safe Travel.
Ambat - Melanesia - God of Pottery & Ritual.
Anulap - Micronesia - Sky God of Magick & Knowledge.
Aponibolinayen - Philippines - Sky Goddess who supporeted the heavens by a vine wrapped about her waist. Most likely a Moon Goddess as she bore children to the Sun.
Atanea - Micronesia - Daughter of Atea (below), Dawn Goddess who created the seas from amniotic fluid when she miscarried.
Atea - Polynesia - God of the Sky, Stars and the Life-Force.
Ahriman. Native american dark god form unknown
Ahura mazda. the alter ego of ahriman
god of light
Re: Gods A
By: vanilla_girl
Post # 5
Nov 08, 2009
Abeona - Roman - Goddess who protects children when they leave their house for the first time.
Aberewa - African - "Old Woman Earth" is a rough translation of the name of this great divinity of the Ashanti people of western Africa.
Abnoba - Gaulish - Goddess of the hunt.
Abtagigi - Sumerian - Goddess of desire and promiscuity.
Abuk - African - The first woman, the Dinka people of the African Sudan say, was created
very tiny but fully formed, then put like a bean in a big pot, where she
swelled up overnight. The creator-god stingily gave Abuk and her mate
Garang only one grain of corn to eat each day. The human race would have
starved had Abuk not simply taken what people needed and ground it into
meal. As patron goddess of women and gardens, Abuk has for her emblem a
little snake.
Abundantia - Roman - Goddess of abundance, prosperity, and good fortune. Her accouterment is a cornucopia. She is depicted distributing grain and money.
Adsagsona - Celtic - Goddess of the underworld and of magic.
Aequitas - Roman - God of fair dealing.
Aera Cura - Roman - Goddess of infernal regions.
Aestas - Roman - Goddess of summer, she is usually depicted nude with garlands of corn.
Aetna - Roman - Roman mountain goddess eponymous with Mt. Etna. Some said she was the wife of Vulcan.
Agrat bat mahalat - Jewish - Goddess of sex.
Ailinn - Celtic - goddess of affection, romance, and love.
Airmed - Celtic - Goddess of witchcraft and herb lore.
Akupera - Hindu - Goddess of moonlight.
Alemonia - Roman - Goddess who feeds the unborn.
Anadyomene - Greek - Sea-born goddess of sexuality
Anceta, Angita, Anagtia - Roman - Triple Goddess of healing.
Angerona - Roman - Winter soltice goddess whose holy day was on Dec. 21 and connected with the sun after the solstice. She was a tutelary goddess of ancient Rome and a goddess of secrecy. She is depicted holding a finger to her closed mouth.
Anu - Celtic - Mother goddess of knowledge, healing, and fertility.
Anuket - Egyptian - goddess of the river and fertility.
Antevorte - Roman - Roman goddess of the future. She was a prophetess and goddess of childbirth.
Arachne - Roman - Goddess of weaving. Her name means spider.
Ardwinna - Celtic - Goddess of the forests and woods.
Aricia - Roman - A goddess of prophesy.
Artimpaasa - Scythian - Goddess of love, associated with the moon
Aurora - Roman - Dawn-goddess.
Boy was that a long post! ^.^
Re: Gods A
By: Dark_Breed
Post # 6
Nov 08, 2009
Three more:
Aibheaog Irish - Fire goddess of County Donegal
Aideen Irish - Love and sexuality goddess
Aimend Irish A Sun Goddess
I'm afraid to add any more for fear of repeats.. So many A Names....