This ritual is just a customary ritual it is not a must do to become a satanist.
Ceremony of Self-Dedication
Once you have decided to commit yourself as a Satanist, it is customary to perform a rite or ceremony of self-initiation to seal the commitment or as a celebratory rite. You will note I say ''customary'', as it is not some requirement.
At a minimum, I recommend you should be well aquainted with the principles that are contained within the pages of ''The Satanic Bible'' by Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey, as well as his work ''The Satanic Rituals''. There is a Satanic Baptism that is described within the Satanic Rituals, that is excellent in a group setting that I highly recommend.
However, for this purpose I will describe a self-dedication ritual that can be performed in a solitary manner.
The self-initiation is most usually performed within the ritual chamber or outside at a suitable location. It is suggested that you begin the rite after the sun has set.
Tools and items needed:
Altar covered with black altar cloth
1 image of the Baphomet sigil
Ritual dagger
Black candles - one on left of altar, the rest for illumination.
1 white candle - on right of altar.
Any statuary you choose
1 black feather quill for writing
1 half sheet of parchment
Small bowl with salt (sea salt is preferred)
Graveyard dirt (obtain from a cemetary on the evening of a new moon)
Chalice - filled with your favorite beverage
Cauldron, cast iron preferred. with a small tablet of altar charcoal burning in it
Your favorite incense I would choose a powder incense, that has a heady smell and will create dense smoke. If this is unavailable cone or stick incense is acceptable
Black robe or black clothing
Baphomet Sigil necklace
Setting up the Altar and preparing the Temple:
Place the altar on the west wall. Prepare robe, light black candles all around room. There should be no other light in room besides candle light. You can put on some suitable music. I suggest you do a short meditation 20 minutes before beginning to clear your mind. Unplug the phone, and make sure you will not be disturbed during the ritual. Light charcoal tablet. For the first half of the ritual you will be unclothed.
Once all is in readiness, say loudly:
Hail Satan, King of Hell and Lord of the Earth, to you I dedicate this Temple!
Let it become, like my body, A vessel for your power and an expression of your glory!
Then ''vibrate'' the words 'Ave Satanas' nine times.
''Vibrating'' is similar to 'growling' and deeply intoning the word.
After this, take the salt and sprinkle it over the altar and around the perimeter of the chamber room, and say:
With this salt I dedicate this temple to the power of Satan!
Take the graveyard dirt and cast it likewise, saying:
With this earth I dedicate my Temple.
Satan - vene!
Satan - vene!
Hail Baphomet!
I am god imbued with your glory!
Invocation of Satan:
Before reciting the invocation, ring the bell 9 times. It signals the beginning of the ritual proper and helps clear the ritual chamber. Alternatively you can also strike the pommel (handle) of the sword on the altar 9 times. In a loud voice say:
Hail, Satan, Lord of Darkness, Ruler and King of the Earth, I ask that the powers of the Infernal Empire be bestowed upon me!
Come forth from the Pit of Hell and greet me as your brother (sister) and friend.
Grant me now the indulgences that I speak of!
Thy name is now manifest within my flesh!
Thy power is now manisfest within my will!
In all the names of the Great Lords of Hell, I command that the desires I shall speak of shall be manifest!
Calling the Infernal Names
Say, ''O Hear now the mighty names of the Great Lords of Hell!''
Melek Taus
Casting the Satanic Circle:
You may vary the words and improvise your own to your own tastes, but I recommend strictly following the directional outline regarding each compass point and elemental demon for this particular ritual. Speak firmly and loudly.
Facing the Baphomet sigil, start the ritual by pointing the sword at it and say:
''Forces of water, elementals of the west, come forth from the dark caverns of night.
Hail mighty Leviathan, come forth and lend your power to my Infernal rite! I summon with water.''
Draw an inverted pentagram in front of you with the sword.
With the sword turn counter-clockwise to the south, point the sword upward and say:
''Forces of fire, elementals of the south, come forth from the dark caverns of night.
Hail Satan come forth and lend your power to my Infernal rite! I summon with fire.''
Draw an inverted pentagram in front of you with the sword.
With the sword turn to the east, point the sword upward and say:
''Forces of the air, elementals of the east, come forth from the dark caverns of night. Hail bright Lucifer, come forth and lend your power to my Infernal rite! I summon with air.''
Draw an inverted pentagram in front of you with the sword.
With the sword turn to the north, point the sword upward and say:
''Forces of earth, elementals of the north, come forth from the dark caverns of night. Hail to Belial, come forth and lend your power to my Infernal rite! I summon with earth.''
Draw an inverted pentagram in front of you with the sword.
At this point I usually drop either flash powder and resin such as copal, in my cauldron which has an incense charcoal tab already burning. This creates a small flash of flame and a dense pillar of smoke. I do this as a welcoming dedicatory offering to the 4 elemental demons. The Satanic circle is now cast.
The Initiation Ritual -
Face the altar, Now lightly prick your left forefinger with the knife. With the blood and using the feather quill inscribe on the parchment your name. Above or below it inscribe an inverted pentagram and the words, ''Solve - Coagula''.
You may also trace an inverted pentagram upon your forehead if you so desire.
Hold the parchment up and say:
With this blood I dedicate the Temple of my flesh!!
Then turn counterclockwise three times, and intone:
I ____ (your name) stand here ready to dedicate my life to Satan!
Hail to all of the Dark Lords of Hell!
I call to all of thee in thy dark eternal caverns.
I make this covenant of blood in the name of Satan, Azazel, Lucifer, Leviathan and Baphomet.
I perform this rite of initiation in the name of their Satanic majesties!
My will shall be the whole of the Law! At my will and So mote it be.
Light the parchment in the candles, and place in the cauldron. As it burns, say:
Satan, grant your power to mix with my flesh,as my blood now mixes with fire!
Take up the chalice, raise it in salute, saying:
With this libation I seal my oath. I am yours and shall strive to bring glory to your name!
Now, put on your black ritual robe and place the Sigil of Baphomet around your neck.
Drain the chalice.
Raise both hands and give the il-cornuto salute, and finish
Sanctus Satana, Sanctus Dominus Diabolus Sabaoth.
Vene! Vene! Vene Diabolus!
Ave, Satana, ave Satana. Tui sunt caeli, Tua est terra, Ave Satana!
In nomine dei Nostri Luciferi Excelsi!
Closing the Satanic Circle
Close the circle at the conclusion of the initiation, by thanking and releasing the demon elementals that you summoned in reverse order. Although some people vary this or even omit it. I find it gives a good, smooth closing to the ritual proper. However, this is up to the individual.
I will drop another dedicatory offering of copal or other resin in my cauldron, and then release the elementals.
With the sword turn to the north, point the sword upward and say:
''With earth I summoned you, to earth I now release you. Hail and farewell to Belial, demon of Earth, I thank you for being with me this night. I release with earth.''
Draw an inverted pentagram in front of you with the sword.
With the sword turn to the east, point the sword upward and say:
''With air I summoned you, to air I now release you. Hail and farewell to Lucifer, demon of Air, I thank you for being with me this night. I release with air.''
Draw an inverted pentagram in front of you with the sword.
With the sword turn to the south, point the sword upward and say:
''With fire I summoned you, to fire I now release you. Hail and farewell to Satan, demon of Fire, I thank you for being with me this night. I release with fire.''
Draw an inverted pentagram in front of you with the sword.
With the sword turn to the west, point the sword upward and say:
''With water I summoned you, to water I now release you. Hail and farewell to Leviathan, demon of Water, I thank you for being with me this night. I release with water.''
Draw an pentagram in front of you with the sword.
Then, point the sword at the image of Baphomet, and call out loudly..
''Praise and thanks to Lord Satan, Lord of Hell, in His name I now close this circle of power.
By my will and the power of Satan, so mote it be!''
Imagine the forces and your ritual now going out into the etherium.
Ring the bell 9 times as pollutionary to conclude the ritual.
Grounding -
This is an often neglected point in many treatises. It is simple really and no big deal. During your ritual you will raise your bioelectrical/emotional energy out of its normal range of operation. You have an excess of this energy you need to discharge. If you dont, it is possible that you can feel a range of ill-effects ranging from headache, anxiety, sleeplessness, lethargy, restlessness, fatigue, to feeling sick to your stomach, possibly worse.
A friend of mine who practices magick told me once -
''If you do ritual and forget to ground, and dont feel any ill effects, then you didnt raise your energy high enough''
Well hopefully you will. To clear and ground this energy:
1. Go outside if possible, and put both hands on the earth - not your floor; it has to be the actual earth; that is, good old dirt, not concrete either. Imagine the excess energy draining out of you and going deep into into the ground.
2. If that isnt possible or convenient, find some lodestones and hold them in your hands under running water.
3. You can also take a warm bath or shower. As you shower, imagine the excess energy being washed away and going down the drain. Let your muscles and mind relax and decompress.
Grounding in principle is very much like atmospheric decompression. You can think of a diver who comes up too fast and builds up an excess of nitrogen in his tissues and can get the dreaded ''bends''. He has to ascend slowly and breath out to clear the excess nitrogen. Same sort of principle is involved here. You need to release the excess energy from your body slowly but purposefully, so to avoid feeling ill. I strongly recommend doing this after EVERY ritual working you do, it is easy enough to do, and is a good part of one's own ritual practice.
This will help you in your future workings to fine tune your rituals.
satanic self-dedication