reversing energy

CovenDivine Spirits ► reversing energy
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reversing energy
Post # 1
This is just a quick note on reversing and ground out energy that has been sent at/to you.

One way to do this is to use a spell, which is most common, and works pretty well when in a real bind. Same goes for shielding.

To those of you who can actually feel this energy and know when it's approaching here is a quick way to throw the energy away from you.

As the energy approaches and you start to feel it, prepare yourself in a comfortable position. Feel yourself gently grabbing the energy, twisting it and pushing it away. At this point you can actually send it back to the person who sent it to you, or send it into the ground, or you can change the energy into something that you can use to suit your needs.

Just thought I'd throw this out there for everyone.

reversing energy
Post # 2
Thank you for this information.I sometime feel uncomfortable and feel as if some negetive energy is happens when i am alone or sometime in crowd also.i want to know is there really some negetive energy or is it my fear it is possible to know that?

Re: reversing energy
Post # 3
I have a couple criteria that help me categorize energy being sourced externally vs internally. It can get confusing depending how empathic the reciever. As you may have known emotional states and thoughts can be sent and recieved. Typically this happens around groups of people. When in isolation its less (for me). Some use this time to recharge the psychic batterys and purge residual energies that stick around. With a clean slate someone becomes more aware of new marks on the board. Intrusive thoughts dont usually jive. They don't usually make sense with ones personal perspective. They may appear as unrelated passing thoughts. (Not to say the subcontious does not operate by reliving the phobias and states that seem irrelevant to the here and now.)

One way that I categorize a mood as intrusive is if I can shield it. If I can shield it its not from me. Lets say the guy behind me in traffic is "splodging" and cursing and invading my space physically and energetically. You may feel a little heat on the back of your neck before you look into the mirror and see the god of impatience manefest behind you. But once you put up an imaginary reflective barrier or similar you may feel calm and collected and able to make a wise and neutral decision. And managing emotions is a good thing.

There is one form of influence called Remote Influencing.Its an offshoot of Remote Vieving. This may or may not be used and practiced within US Govt. According to some this is primarily used by the Chinease government. I dont know alot about it but Its doubtfull or rare that this is a factor at all. The phenomenon of empathic transferrance is very real.

I hope this helps. Of course my limited knowlege is just a suggestion and what really matters is if it helps.

Good luck and may The Spirit of Grace be with you.

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