how can i contorl my elem

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how can i contorl my elem
Post # 1
how can i control my element which is air tell me tips in detail please like how and in with in how many duration i can contorl and use my elemnent to help me in diferent works can my element will help me in completing different work ???
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Re: how can i contorl my elem
Post # 2
my element is fire but ill try my best to help you i usaully go to a place where my element is and practice until i deplete all my energy i usually go to our sacred dorment volcanoe from time to time maybe you should go to a place that special to you a place where the winds intersect and peace resides.
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Re: how can i contorl my elem
Post # 3
well i often see starts and moon will it b okay ?
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Re: how can i contorl my
Post # 4
Meditation is the key. Talk with the wind sort of thing.
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